Android 8.0 的系统CTS 测试报告动辄就是60-70M,浏览器打开太慢了,不利于工程师查看报告。所以简单写了一个python 脚本只提取所有错误的报告信息。主要使用ptyhon 的xpath 技术实现。

#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-# owner zhouyong0701 2018/01/16from lxml import etreedef sperate():    tree = etree.parse("./test_result.xml")    # moudules= tree.xpath('/Result/Module')    # for moudule in moudules:    #     print moudule.xpath('./@*')[0]    result_file = open("./test_result.xml")    fail_file = open('test_result_fail_report.xml', 'w')    line = result_file.readline()    while line:        if " 0 :            print "parser moudule -> " + moudule.xpath('./@name')[0] + " fail -> " + str(len(fail_tests))            #print etree.tostring(moudule)            total += 1            fail += len(fail_tests)            testcases = moudule.xpath('./TestCase')            #foreach TestCase remove the all pass TestCase from moudule            for testcase in testcases:                fail_count = testcase.xpath('.//Test[@result="fail"]')                if len(fail_count) == 0 :                    moudule.remove(testcase)                pass_count = testcase.xpath('.//Test[@result="pass"]')                if len(pass_count) > 0 :                    tests = testcase.xpath('./Test')                    #foreach test remove the pass test in TestCase                    for test in tests :                        if test.xpath('./@result')[0] == 'pass' :                            print "remove test -> " + test.xpath('./@name')[0] + " = " + test.xpath('./@result')[0]                            testcase.remove(test)            fail_file.write(etree.tostring(moudule))    print "total moudules: " + str(total) + " fail : " + str(fail)    fail_file.write("\n");    fail_file.close()def main():    sperate();if __name__ == '__main__':    main();


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