


android P(9.0)aosp code:




public static void processPackage(Context context,                                      File packageFile,                                      final ProgressListener listener,                                      final Handler handler)            throws IOException {        String filename = packageFile.getCanonicalPath();        if (!filename.startsWith("/data/")) {            return;        }        RecoverySystem rs = (RecoverySystem) context.getSystemService(Context.RECOVERY_SERVICE);        IRecoverySystemProgressListener progressListener = null;        if (listener != null) {            final Handler progressHandler;            if (handler != null) {                progressHandler = handler;            } else {                progressHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());            }            progressListener = new IRecoverySystemProgressListener.Stub() {                int lastProgress = 0;                long lastPublishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();                @Override                public void onProgress(final int progress) {                    final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();                    progressHandler.post(new Runnable() {                        @Override                        public void run() {                            if (progress > lastProgress &&                                    now - lastPublishTime > PUBLISH_PROGRESS_INTERVAL_MS) {                                lastProgress = progress;                                lastPublishTime = now;                                listener.onProgress(progress);                            }                        }                    });                }            };        }        if (!rs.uncrypt(filename, progressListener)) {            throw new IOException("process package failed");        }    }


(1) 只处理升级包在/data分区的场景

(2) 处理进度显示

(3)调用rs.uncrypt(filename, progressListener) 处理升级包

    /**     * Talks to RecoverySystemService via Binder to trigger uncrypt.     */    private boolean uncrypt(String packageFile, IRecoverySystemProgressListener listener) {        try {            return mService.uncrypt(packageFile, listener);        } catch (RemoteException unused) {        }        return false;    }

RecoverySystem 通过Binder 触发 uncrypt服务


service uncrypt /system/bin/uncrypt    class main    socket uncrypt stream 600 system system    disabled    oneshotservice setup-bcb /system/bin/uncrypt --setup-bcb    class main    socket uncrypt stream 600 system system    disabled    oneshotservice clear-bcb /system/bin/uncrypt --clear-bcb    class main    socket uncrypt stream 600 system system    disabled    oneshot

调用了/system/bin/uncrypt程序来处理升级包, uncrypt对应的源码在 bootable/recovery/uncrypt/uncrypt.cpp

具体处理细节我们在章节详解:recovery uncrypt功能解析(bootable/recovery/uncrypt/uncrypt.cpp)



 public static void installPackage(Context context, File packageFile, boolean processed)            throws IOException {        synchronized (sRequestLock) {            LOG_FILE.delete();            // Must delete the file in case it was created by system server.            UNCRYPT_PACKAGE_FILE.delete();            String filename = packageFile.getCanonicalPath();            Log.w(TAG, "!!! REBOOTING TO INSTALL " + filename + " !!!");            // If the package name ends with "_s.zip", it's a security update.            boolean securityUpdate = filename.endsWith("_s.zip");            // If the package is on the /data partition, the package needs to            // be processed (i.e. uncrypt'd). The caller specifies if that has            // been done in 'processed' parameter.            if (filename.startsWith("/data/")) {                if (processed) {                    if (!BLOCK_MAP_FILE.exists()) {                        Log.e(TAG, "Package claimed to have been processed but failed to find "                                + "the block map file.");                        throw new IOException("Failed to find block map file");                    }                } else {                    FileWriter uncryptFile = new FileWriter(UNCRYPT_PACKAGE_FILE);                    try {                        uncryptFile.write(filename + "\n");                    } finally {                        uncryptFile.close();                    }                    // UNCRYPT_PACKAGE_FILE needs to be readable and writable                    // by system server.                    if (!UNCRYPT_PACKAGE_FILE.setReadable(true, false)                            || !UNCRYPT_PACKAGE_FILE.setWritable(true, false)) {                        Log.e(TAG, "Error setting permission for " + UNCRYPT_PACKAGE_FILE);                    }                    BLOCK_MAP_FILE.delete();                }                // If the package is on the /data partition, use the block map                // file as the package name instead.                filename = "@/cache/recovery/block.map";            }            final String filenameArg = "--update_package=" + filename + "\n";            final String localeArg = "--locale=" + Locale.getDefault().toLanguageTag() + "\n";            final String securityArg = "--security\n";            String command = filenameArg + localeArg;            if (securityUpdate) {                command += securityArg;            }            RecoverySystem rs = (RecoverySystem) context.getSystemService(                    Context.RECOVERY_SERVICE);            if (!rs.setupBcb(command)) {                throw new IOException("Setup BCB failed");            }            // Having set up the BCB (bootloader control block), go ahead and reboot            PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);            String reason = PowerManager.REBOOT_RECOVERY_UPDATE;            // On TV, reboot quiescently if the screen is off            if (context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_LEANBACK)) {                WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);                if (wm.getDefaultDisplay().getState() != Display.STATE_ON) {                    reason += ",quiescent";                }            }            pm.reboot(reason);            throw new IOException("Reboot failed (no permissions?)");        }    }


(1) 如果升级包路径为/data开始的根目录,把升级包的名字写到文件/cache/recovery/uncrypt_file里

(2) 写升级命令--update_package=@/cache/recovery/block.map到文件/cache/recovery/command

(3) 调用pm.reboot(PowerManager.REBOOT_RECOVERY_UPDATE)重启。






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