* Cancels the animation. Unlike {@link #end()}, <code>cancel()</code> causes the animation to
* stop in its tracks
, sending an
* {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationCancel(Animator)} to
* its listeners, followed by an
* {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationEnd(Animator)} message.
* <p>This method must be called on the thread that is running the animation.</p>
public void cancel() {

* Ends the animation. This causes the animation to assign the end value of the property being
* animated
, then calling the
* {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationEnd(Animator)} method on
* its listeners.
* <p>This method must be called on the thread that is running the animation.</p>
public void end() {


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