To use Android-ViewPagerIndicator in Android Studio, you can’t download it from gradle. Instead, you must import the library as an “Existing Project” to your current one.

Follow these steps:

1 Download source code from GitHub.
2 In your Android Studio Project: File -> Project Structure -> add (+ symbol) -> Import Existing Project. Import just the folder called ”library”, not the entire project (leave the import options as Android Studio suggests).
3 If the “compileSdkVersion” specified in your build.gradle doesn’t match with the one specified in the Android-ViewPagerIndicator project, change the second one. The same apply with any other property, such as “minSdkVersion” or even the current support library.直接将App's build.gradle里面的android{}内容复制到新导入的模块的build.gradle中

4 Add Android-ViewPagerIndicator project as a dependency to your build.gradle module:


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