Android神兵利器 | ChkBugReport输出网页版错误报告

ChkBugReport工具for Android

android 使用开源工具ChkBugReport分析Bugreport



Android 的 BugReport 一般是 .txt 结尾的文本文件,也有可能是 .log。当然了,命名没有限定。不要慌实质是一样的,就全部当成 .txt

Google 的 Android 主页上有专页论述如何阅读 BugReport :

获取BugReport文件:adb bugreport > bugreport.txt








ChkBugReport is a new bugreport analysis tools released as open source .


  • 点击查看 ChkBugReport 源码。
  • 点击查看 ChkBugReport.jar 下载地址。
  • 点击 information 查看相关说明 。

ChkBugReport 开源工具



它的源码中用到了以下开源类库: jQuery ,jsTree jQuery plugin , tablednd jQuery plugin , tablesorter jQuery plugin ,js-hotkeys, jquery-cookie 。学习输出报告文档型html可以参考源码。



      1、Stacktraces   ChkBugReport可以从bugreport中解析出输出bugreport的最后时刻、导致ANR时刻甚至更多时刻的堆栈信息。在例子中你可以看到进程的优先级和策略都已标示出来,堆栈中耗时的部分颜色是黑红,一些违反Strict Mode的部分(比如主线程中使用数据库)颜色标记为亮红。如果这个线程死锁,在报告的Errors将会出现。

       2、Logs   这部分是对system、main和kernel日志的分析,在这里你可以看到每个进程内存使用图、那个程序产生的log最多、Activity的启动耗时、数据库操作耗时统计、对象被锁定时间、AIDL调用时间、Activity和Service的生命周期及其在内存中使用频率等等,详见

      3、Packages    ChkBugReport解析bugreport中存储的packages.xml并展示一系列的packages、user ids和 permissions。参见

      4、Processes    操作app过程中产生的系统事件日志、内存使用信息等等,参见

      5、Battery statistics   电池使用统计信息,参见

      6、CPU Frequency statistics   CPU频率统计信息,参见

      7、Raw data  被分割成小段的原始数据


同时ChkBugReport也可以检测到(潜在的)错误,这些错误在输出的报告Errors部分中可以找到。你也可以在输出报告的stacktrace中找到死锁或一些违反Strict Mode的行为。



github上 How to use it


java -jar $HOME/chkbugreport.jar $HOME/bugreport.txt

$HOME 是一个环境变量,chkbugreport.jar目录的路径。

ChkBugReport 会为你生成一个文件夹,叫做 bugreport_out,文件夹里有个 index.html 文件,这就是我们的错误报告的网页了,是一个 HTML 文件。

你可以双击启动它 (如果你设置了 .html 文件用浏览器程序启动的话), 或者用命令行,比如我用 firefox 浏览器来启动这个 HTML 文件:

firefox bugreport_out/index.html



For a complete list of parameters just run the tool without any arguments. As of now the following parameters are handled:

  • -ds:file - Use file as dumsys output (almost same as -pb)
  • -el:file - Use file as event log
  • -ft:file - Use file as ftrace dump
  • -ml:file - Use file as main log
  • -mo:file - Parse monkey output and extract stacktraces from it
  • -pb:file - Load partial bugreport (eg. output of dumpsys)
  • -pk:file - Load packages.xml file
  • -ps:file - Use file as "processes" section
  • -pt:file - Use file as "processes and threads" section
  • -sa:file - Use file as "vm traces at last anr" section
  • -sl:file - Use file as system log
  • -sn:file - Use file as "vm traces just now" section
  • -sd:dir - Load files from directory as partial bugreports
  • -uh:file - Load usage-history.xml file

Extra options (less frequently needed):

  • --browser - Launch the browser when done
  • --gui - Launch the Graphical User Interface if no file name is provided
  • --silent - Supress all output except fatal errors
  • --limit - Limit the input file size (default) If using the -sl option for example, the log file will be truncated if it's too long (since the generated html would be even bigger). This option (and --no-limit as well) must precede the other options in order to have effect.
  • --no-limit - Don't limit the input file size

NOTE: The graphical user interface is still experimental and very rudimentary




创建一个 chkbugreport 的 Shell 脚本,放在 $HOME/bin 目录中 :

vim $HOME/bin/chkbugreport



#!/bin/shDIR=$HOME/binJAR=$DIR/chkbugreport-0.4-185.jarCP=$JARif [ ! -f $JAR]; thenecho"为了这个脚本能够运行,请把下载的 ChkBugReport 的 JAR 包拷贝到 $JAR 中"exit 1fijava -jar $CP"$@"



chmod +x $HOME/bin/chkbugreport


确保 $HOME/bin 这个目录在 Path 环境变量中,请参看 Linux探索之旅 | 第五部分第二课:一入Shell深似海,酷炫外壳惹人爱 。




创建一个 chkbugreport.bat 的 bat 脚本,把 chkbugreport.bat 的路径加到环境变量中。


@echo off
java -jar E:\Android\chkbugreport\chkbugreport-0.4-185.jar %1



chkbugreport "bugreport.txt"


chkbugreport 报错

C:\Users\Administrator>chkbugreport C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\download@tid[]=4573872\4573872_2018-11-19-064158-3908515\bugreport_1542589813841.txtWTChkBugReport 0.5 (rev 216) !!BASE ON ChkBugReport!!Failed to load plugin: com.sonyericsson.chkbugreport.AdbExtensionFile C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\download@tid[] does not exists!Cannot open file: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\download@tid[]Usage: chkbugreport bugreportfile  orUsage: chkbugreport -t traceviewfile  orUsage: chkbugreport [sections] dummybugreportfileWhere dummybugreportfile does not exists, but will be used to generatea folder name and sections must contain at least one of the following:  -ds:file    - Use file as dumsys output (almost same as -pb)  -el:file    - Use file as event log  -ft:file    - Use file as ftrace dump  -ml:file    - Use file as main log  -mo:file    - Parse monkey output and extract stacktraces from it  -pb:file    - Load partial bugreport (eg. output of dumpsys)  -pk:file    - Load packages.xml file  -ps:file    - Use file as "processes" section  -pt:file    - Use file as "processes and threads" section  -sa:file    - Use file as "vm traces at last anr" section  -sl:file    - Use file as system log  -sn:file    - Use file as "vm traces just now" section  -sd:dir     - Load files from directory as partial bugreports  -uh:file    - Load usage-history.xml fileExtra options:  --browser   - Launch the browser when done  --gmt:offs  - Set the GMT offset (needed to map UTC times to log times)  --gui       - Launch the Graphical User Interface if no file name is provided  --silent    - Supress all output except fatal errors  --limit     - Limit the input file size                If using the -sl option for example, the log file will                be truncated if it's too long (since the generated html                would be even bigger). This option (and --no-limit as well)                must precede the other options in order to have effect.  --no-limit  - Don't limit the input file size (default)  -o:file     - Specify name to be used as output directory  --server    - Starts the internal web server to serve the files  --port:port - Specifies which port the internal web server should listen on  --profile   - Measure the time and memory usedC:\Users\Administrator>

注意:Windows 上最好添加双引号 chkbugreport "... ...\bugreport.txt"


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