
SmS meSSAging
SMS messaging is one of the main killer applications on a mobile phone today — for some users as necessary as the phone itself. Any mobile phone you buy today should have at least SMS messaging capabilities, and nearly all users of any age know how to send and receive 
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such messages. Android comes with a built-in SMS application that enables you to send and receive SMS messages. However, in some cases you might want to integrate SMS capabilities into your own Android application. For example, you might want to write an application that automatically sends a SMS message at regular time intervals. For example, this would be useful if you wanted to track the location of your kids — simply give them an Android device that sends out an SMS message con- taining its geographical location every 30 minutes. Now you know if they really went to the library after school! (Of course, that would also mean you would have to pay the fees incurred in sending all those SMS messages…) This section describes how you can programmatically send and receive SMS messages in your Android applications. The good news for Android developers is that you don’t need a real device to test SMS messaging: The free Android Emulator provides that capability.


  1. Android之Button样式
  2. Android(安卓)发送短信功能
  3. Android(安卓)中 上下文Context理解
  4. android用户界面详尽教程实例
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  7. Android(安卓)根据Video绝对路径获取其缩略图
  8. android 获取通讯录联系人信息
  9. Android(安卓)广播获取短信内容


  1. Android(安卓)Gallery获取滑动停止的位置
  2. Android(安卓)检测内存是否过低
  3. android绘图网格线java写法
  4. Android调用本地WebService
  5. ViewFlipper实现View轮播点击等效果
  6. 仿iphone actionsheet
  7. 抓取Android(安卓)& Linux网络包
  8. Activity基本概念
  9. Android(安卓)实现控件浮动效果
  10. CSR8811 bluetooth debug summary