Programming in C/C++ on Android is just awesome! This tutorial shows how to setup Eclipse for using C/C++ together with Java in Android projects.

0) Prerequisities

You need to have Google ADT (Android Development Tools) installed. See to do it.

You also need Android ndk. Download it from unpack it somewhere.

1) Install CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) into Eclipse.

ChooseHelp->Install New Software…from the main menu.

Choose the source site. If you have another Eclipse release than Galileo choose the appropriate url.

ClickNext, Accept licences and finish the installation process.

2) In Eclipse create Android project to which you want to add C/C++ code (if you already don’t have one).

For this tutorial I’ve created simple MyAndroidProject.

3) In file manager createjni/directory in your project directory and place your C/C++ sources file here. Also put hereAndroid.mkfile which is a makefile that tells Android build-system how to build your files.

Take a look into Android ndkdocs/ANDROID-MK.htmlfile how to create one.

Simple example ofAndroid.mkfile:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)


LOCAL_MODULE := native
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := native.c


4) Refresh (F5) directories inPackage Explorerto seejnidirectory here. Open your .c/.cpp file.

Your .c/.cpp file (native.cin my case) contains a lot of syntax errors which are not truly syntax errors. This is because Eclipse threats the project as a pure Java project. We have to convert the project into mixed Java & C/C++ project.

5) PressCtrl+n(or chooseFile->New->Other…from main menu) and selectConvert to a C/C++ Project.

This will convert your project into a mixed Java & C/C++ project rather than into pure C/C++ project (the name of the function is misleading).

ClickNext. Then choose your project and below chooseMakefile projectand– Other Toolchain –. ClickFinish.

After doing this Eclipse will ask you if you want to switch to C/C++ perspective. ChooseYesbecause otherwise you wouldn’t be able to set C/C++ build preferences.

6) Click on your project with right button and selectPropertiesor press Alt+Enter

Properties windows will appear. Here you have to configure use of ndk-build instead of make all command and set proper include paths.

7) ChooseC/C++ Buildand configurendk-buildas a build command

InBuilder settingsfillndk-buildintoBuild commandentry.You have to uncheckUse default build command. You also need to have ndk-build script in your PATH.

InBehavioursetting uncheckclean(ndk-build cleans project automatically on build and does not support separate clean command) and clear all text from build (ndk-builddoes not acceptallas a parameter.

ClickApplyto save settings.

8) ChooseC/C++ General->Paths and Symbolsand configure include path

InIncludestab chooseGNU CorGNU C++and clickAdd…button. Add path to include directory which is located inplatforms/android-4/arch/arm/usr/includesubdirectory of place where you’ve unpacked Android ndk. Include path depends on target for which you are compiling (android-4in my case — i.e. Android 1.6).

Finally clickApplyandOKand that is all. Now you can use all Eclipse power for editing your C/C++ sources. If you clickRunorDebugEclipse will compile C/C++ code as well as Java code and run it on device/emulator. However you will not be able to debug C/C++ code.


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