
Android 4.1 APIs (API Level: 16)

Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) is a progression of the platform that offers improved performance and enhanced user experience. It adds new features for users and app developers. This document provides an introduction to the most notable and useful new APIs for app developers.

As an app developer, Android 4.1 is available to you with an SDK platform you can use to build your app against Android 4.1 and with a system image you can run in the Android emulator. You should download download the platform and system image as soon as possible to build and test your app on Android 4.1. To get started developing and testing against Android 4.1, use the Android SDK Manager to download the platform into your SDK.

    • * api变化* *
    • App Components
    • * Isolated services
    • * Memory management
    • * Content providers
    • * Live Wallpapers
    • * App stack navigation
    • Multimedia
    • * Media codecs
    • * Record audio on cue
    • * Timed text tracks
    • * Audio effects
    • * Gapless playback
    • Camera
    • * Auto focus movement
    • * Camera sounds
    • Connectivity
    • * Android Beam
    • * Network service discovery
    • * Wi-Fi Direct service discovery
    • * Network usage
    • Accessibility
    • * Accessibility service APIs
    • * Customizable app navigation
    • * More accessible widgets
    • Copy and Paste
    • * Copy and paste with intents
    • Renderscript
    • Animation
    • * Activity launch animations
    • * Time animator
    • User Interface
    • * Notifications
    • * Controls for system UI
    • * Remote views
    • * Font families
    • Input Framework
    • * Multiple input devices
    • * Vibrate for input controllers
    • Permissions
    • Device Features


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