1. 什么是GreenDAO?

greenDAO is an open source Android ORM making development for SQLite databases fun again. It relieves developers from dealing with low-level database requirements while saving development time. SQLite is an awesome embedded relational database. Still, writing SQL and parsing query results are quite tedious and time-consuming tasks. greenDAO frees you from these by mapping Java objects to database tables (called ORM, “object/relational mapping”). This way you can store, update, delete, and query for Java objects using a simple object oriented API.

这是greenDAO的自我介绍,大概意思就是greenDAO是针对于Android平台的SQLite的ORM(Object/Relational Mapping)对象关系映射框架。他可以将Java对象映射到数据库表,并帮你封装了增删改查的操作。

2. 配置GreenDAO

2.1 Your Project

// 在build.gradle(Project:YourProjectName)添加buildscript {    repositories {        mavenCentral()    }    dependencies {        classpath 'org.greenrobot:greendao-gradle-plugin:3.1.0'    }}// 在build.gradle(Module:app)添加apply plugin: 'org.greenrobot.greendao'greendao {    targetGenDir 'src/main/java'}dependencies {    compile 'org.greenrobot:greendao:3.1.0'}

2.2 Generator Lib

首先新建一个Module,File->New->New Module…->Java Libarary,命名为GreenDaoGenLib

创建完成后在项目左侧会出现一个如下图所示的Lib包,且下方Gradle Script中会出现一个对应的gradle配置的地方

// 在build.gradle(Module:greendaogenlib)中添加dependencies {    compile 'org.greenrobot:greendao-generator:3.1.0'}
// 创建一个类Config用于输出配置public class Config {    static final int VERSION = 1;    static final String DEFAULT_PACKAGE = "org.greendaotest.db.greendao";  // 输出包名    static final String OUTDIR = "/Users/rita/Documents/Projects/GreenDAOTest/app/src/main/java";  // 输出文件位置}


package org.greendao;import org.greenrobot.greendao.generator.DaoGenerator;import org.greenrobot.greendao.generator.Entity;import org.greenrobot.greendao.generator.Property;import org.greenrobot.greendao.generator.Schema;import org.greenrobot.greendao.generator.ToMany;/** * com.tixmate.tixmate.dataaccess.database.greenDAO * Created by ritaliu. */public class Generator {    private static Schema schema;    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        //创建模式对象,指定版本号和自动生成的bean对象的包名        schema = new Schema(Config.VERSION, Config.DEFAULT_PACKAGE);        //添加所有实体        addEntity();        //调用DaoGenerator().generateAll方法自动生成代码到创建的目录下        new DaoGenerator().generateAll(schema, Config.OUTDIR);    }    private static void addEntity()    {        //添加一个实体,自动生成实体Entity类        Entity account = schema.addEntity("Account");        Entity moment = schema.addEntity("Moment");        /* Account */                    account.addStringProperty("id").primaryKey().getProperty();  //添加ID, 主键        account.addStringProperty("name").notNull();  //添加String类型的name,不能为空        account.addStringProperty("avatarlink");  //添加String类型的Link        /* Moment */         moment.addStringProperty("id").primaryKey().getProperty();        moment.addIntProperty("type").notNull();        moment.addStringProperty("text");        moment.addDateProperty("time").notNull();    }}


2. 使用GreenDAO生成实体类和DAOs



DaoMaster: The entry point for using greenDAO. DaoMaster holds the database object (SQLiteDatabase) and manages DAO classes (not objects) for a specific schema. It has static methods to create the tables or drop them. Its inner classes OpenHelper and DevOpenHelper are SQLiteOpenHelper implementations that create the schema in the SQLite database.

DaoSession: Manages all available DAO objects for a specific schema, which you can acquire using one of the getter methods. DaoSession provides also some generic persistence methods like insert, load, update, refresh and delete for entities. Lastly, a DaoSession objects also keeps track of an identity scope. For more details, have a look at the session documentation.

DAOs: Data access objects (DAOs) persists and queries for entities. For each entity, greenDAO generates a DAO. It has more persistence methods than the DaoSession, for example: count, loadAll, and insertInTx.

Entities: Persistable objects. Usually, entities are generated (you do not have to), and are objects representing a database row using standard Java properties (like a POJO or a JavaBean).

2.1 DAOMaster


2.2 DAOSession

DAOSession管理所有可用的使用特定Schema的DAO对象,你可以从中获得它们的Getter方法。DAOSession提供了一些一般的持久化方法,像一些简单的增删改查操作。并且,DaoSession可以持续追踪一个ID,貌似是用来缓存部分查询结果进行提速的,详情查看Session Documention。

2.3 DAOs


2.4 Entities


2.5 使用


DaoMaster.OpenHelper helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(mContext, "DB_NAME", null);DaoMaster daoMaster = new DaoMaster(helper.getWritableDatabase());DaoSession daoSession = daoMaster.newSession();Account accountDao = daoSession.getAccountDao();

本文只是介绍了使用GreenDAO提供的Generator生成DAO和Bean的方法,简单的生成了两张表,但是既然SQLite是关系型数据库,那么表间怎么能没有关系存在呢?下篇我将介绍如何添加关系,包括1:1, 1:n和n:m三种关系。


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