
Installing Android Studio

Android Studio provides everything you need to start developing apps for Android, including the Android Studio IDE and the Android SDK tools.

If you didn't download Android Studio, godownload Android Studio now, or switch to thestand-alone SDK Tools installinstructions.

Before you set up Android Studio, be sure you have installed JDK 6 or higher (the JRE alone is not sufficient)—JDK 7 is required when developing for Android 5.0 and higher. To check if you have JDK installed (and which version), open a terminal and typejavac -version. If the JDK is not available or the version is lower than 6,go download JDK.

[ Show instructions for all platforms ]

To set up Android Studio on Windows:

  1. Launch the.exefile you just downloaded.

  2. Follow the setup wizard to install Android Studio and any necessary SDK tools.

    On some Windows systems, the launcher script does not find where Java is installed. If you encounter this problem, you need to set an environment variable indicating the correct location.

    SelectStart menu > Computer > System Properties > Advanced System Properties. Then openAdvanced tab > Environment Variablesand add a new system variableJAVA_HOMEthat points to your JDK folder, for exampleC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21.

The individual tools and other SDK packages are saved outside the Android Studio application directory. If you need to access the tools directly, use a terminal to navigate to the location where they are installed. For example:


Android Studio is now ready and loaded with the Android developer tools, but there are still a couple packages you should add to make your Android SDK complete.


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