I'm very happy to host this English Topic today. Let talk about the features of your mobile phone.
Q1) what's the OS of your current mobile phone or what os did you use in the past? | Android | iOS | Windows Phone | BlackBerry | webOS | Symbian | bada | OPhone | others |
Q2) what are your favorite functions or applications in your mobile phone expect calling and message? And what they have done for you in your daily life? Such as: Play audio, video and games. Send e-mail or chat with your friends or your colleagues. Internet surfing, read webpage/newspaper/magazine, or e-book. Map, GPS navigation or search the restaurant or toilet nearby your position. Update your status in the blog and check your friends' status. View and edit documents or PDFs. Take pictures or make a video. Remote control your desktop. Watch the webcam to monitor your house or your kids. Online shopping and Online payment.
Q3) Have these functions or applications met all your requirements? What new features or applications do you want your mobile phone to own in the future? Such as it will have a powder box for lady to make up or a shaver for man. Even it can find the gold buried in the ground.

Please share your points freely and enjoy it.
I will share my points firstly. My current mobile phone is android which made by Google. I have two favorite applications in my mobile phone. the one is Baidu Map, which can help me to find my destination and tell me how to arrive at it. the other one is WoChaCha, which can get the price of the goods by scanning the bar code and help me to find the lowest price between several supermakers.
for the last question, I hope my mobile phone can scan the gold buried in the ground and make me a rich man. that's all . thx.

本文出自 “Novell工作积累” 博客,谢绝转载!


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