tag: android 模拟器 启动 报错

[2012-12-27 13:53:32 - Emulator] emulator: WARNING: Requested RAM size of 1024MB is too large for your environment, and is reduced to 576MB.

[2012-12-27 13:53:32 - Emulator] Failed to allocate memory: 8

[2012-12-27 13:53:32 - Emulator]
[2012-12-27 13:53:32 - Emulator] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

[2012-12-27 13:53:32 - Emulator] Please contact the application's support team for more information.

当你设置4.0的模拟器时,有些参数需要设置小点,但是笔者根据报错将Device ram size 设置成512也会报此错误,所以搜了下,但貌似都不好用

在stackoverflow.com上看到一个回复说是设置小些,试了下,果然可以.貌似SD Card 32 MIB 然后Device RAM Size设置32*8=256M。不知为什



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