  Source Code and Documents
  Compiled Binary Download
  Installing tcpdump
  Pushing the binary to an existing device
  Download tcpdump from, then execute:
  adb root
  adb remount
  adb push /wherever/you/put/tcpdump /system/xbin/tcpdump
  adb shell chmod 6755 /data/local/tmp/tcpdump
  adb root
  adb remount
  adb push /wherever/you/put/tcpdump /system/xbin/tcpdump
  adb shell chmod 6755 /data/local/tmp/tcpdump
  Running tcpdump
  You need to have root access on your device.
  Batch mode capture
  The typical procedure is to capture packets to a file and then examine the file on the desktop, as illustrated below:
  adb shell tcpdump -i any -p -s 0 -w /sdcard/capture.pcap
  # "-i any": listen on any network inte**ce
  # "-p": disable promiscuous mode (doesn't work anyway)
  # "-s 0": capture the entire packet
  # "-w": write packets to a file (rather than printing to stdout)
  ... do whatever you want to capture, then ^C to stop it ...
  adb pull /sdcard/capture.pcap .
  sudo apt-get install wireshark # or ethereal, if you're still on dapper
  wireshark capture.pcap # or ethereal
  ... look at your packets and be wise ...
  adb shell tcpdump -i any -p -s 0 -w /sdcard/capture.pcap
  # "-i any": listen on any network inte**ce
  # "-p": disable promiscuous mode (doesn't work anyway)
  # "-s 0": capture the entire packet
  # "-w": write packets to a file (rather than printing to stdout)
  ... do whatever you want to capture, then ^C to stop it ...
  adb pull /sdcard/capture.pcap .
  sudo apt-get install wireshark # or ethereal, if you're still on dapper
  wireshark capture.pcap # or ethereal
  ... look at your packets and be wise ...
  You can run tcpdump in the background from an interactive shell or from Terminal. By default, tcpdump captures all traffic without filtering. If you prefer, add an expression like port 80 to the tcpdump command line.
  Real time packet monitoring
  Execute the following if you would like to watch packets go by rather than capturing them to a file (-n skips DNS lookups. -s 0 captures the entire packet rather than just the header):
  adb shell tcpdump -n -s 0
  adb shell tcpdump -n -s 0
  Typical tcpdump options apply. For example, if you want to see HTTP traffic:
  adb shell tcpdump -X -n -s 0 port 80


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