1、8.1 默认音量调整

修改 DEFAULT_STREAM_VOLUME 数组,最大值和最小值修改对应文件



媒体音量在 AudioService 中被初始化修改了,可以强制赋值

AudioSystem.DEFAULT_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC] = defaultMusicVolume;

或可以通过配置 ro.config.media_vol_default 修改


2、USB 连接图标修改


6.0 以前都一直使用小机器人图标,8.1 是 奥利奥图标,9.0 是 P图标,如果怀旧可以从 6.0 复制并覆盖




java 代码中可通过

 private void handleSoundEffects(boolean isOpen){        Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(),                Settings.System.SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED, isOpen ? 1 : 0);        final AudioManager am = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);        if (isOpen) {            am.loadSoundEffects();        } else {            am.unloadSoundEffects();        }    }

如要替换触摸提示音可至路径 frameworks\base\data\sounds\effects\Effect_Tick.ogg



    <string-array name="entryvalues_font_size" translatable="false">        <item>0.85</item>        <item>1.0</item>        <item>1.15</item>        <item>1.30</item>    </string-array>



 public static final class System extends NameValueTable {private static final float DEFAULT_FONT_SCALE = 1.0f;


    public void setToDefaults() {        fontScale = 1;        mcc = mnc = 0;


private void loadSystemSettings(SQLiteDatabase db) {....loadSetting(stmt, Settings.System.FONT_SCALE, 0.85f);



+++ b/alps/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/packages/apps/MtkSettings/res/values-zh-rCN/arrays.xml@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@     <item msgid="7489864775127957179">"5分钟"</item>     <item msgid="2314124409517439288">"10分钟"</item>     <item msgid="6864027152847611413">"30分钟"</item>+    <item msgid="7149253832238213885">"永不息屏"</item>   </string-array>   <string-array name="dream_timeout_entries">     <item msgid="3149294732238283185">"永不"</item>


+++ b/alps/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/packages/apps/MtkSettings/res/values/arrays.xml@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@         <item>5 minutes</item>         <item>10 minutes</item>         <item>30 minutes</item>+        <item>never</item>     </string-array>      <!-- Do not translate. -->@@ -66,6 +67,8 @@         <item>600000</item>         <!-- Do not translate. -->         <item>1800000</item>+        <!-- MAX. -->+        <item>2147483647</item>     </string-array>

Android 8.1

+++ b/alps/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/packages/apps/MtkSettings/src/com/android/settings/display/TimeoutPreferenceController.java@@ -111,7 +111,11 @@ public class TimeoutPreferenceController extends AbstractPreferenceController im         } else {             final CharSequence timeoutDescription = getTimeoutDescription(                     currentTimeout, entries, values);-            summary = timeoutDescription == null+            //cczheng add for show never sleep+            if (currentTimeout == Integer.MAX_VALUE)+                summary = entries[entries.length-1].toString();+            else+                summary = timeoutDescription == null                     ? ""                     : mContext.getString(R.string.screen_timeout_summary, timeoutDescription);         }


private void updateTimeoutPreferenceDescription(long currentTimeout) {        ListPreference preference = mScreenTimeoutPreference;        String summary;        if (currentTimeout < 0) {            // Unsupported value            summary = "";        } else {            final CharSequence[] entries = preference.getEntries();            final CharSequence[] values = preference.getEntryValues();            if (entries == null || entries.length == 0) {                summary = "";            } else {                int best = 0;                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {                    long timeout = Long.parseLong(values[i].toString());                    if (currentTimeout >= timeout) {                        best = i;                    }                }                //cczheng add for show never sleep                if (currentTimeout == Integer.MAX_VALUE)                    summary = entries[best].toString();                else                    summary = preference.getContext().getString(R.string.screen_timeout_summary,                        entries[best]);            }        }        preference.setSummary(summary);    }

6、Launcher的 hotseat 自动上下跳动

注释onResume() 中的如下方法

 @Override    protected void onResume() {        long startTime = 0;        ..../*if (shouldShowDiscoveryBounce()) {            mAllAppsController.showDiscoveryBounce();        }*/



去除 mIsDefaultOrSystemPhoneApp 判断

    @VisibleForTesting    public int processIntent() {        Log.v(this, "Processing call intent in OutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster.");....if (Intent.ACTION_CALL.equals(action)) {            if (isPotentialEmergencyNumber) {                //cczheng remove the default Dialer islaunched when call an EmergencyNumber                /*if (!mIsDefaultOrSystemPhoneApp) {                    Log.w(this, "Cannot call potential emergency number %s with CALL Intent %s "                            + "unless caller is system or default dialer.", number, intent);                    launchSystemDialer(intent.getData());                    return DisconnectCause.OUTGOING_CANCELED;                } else {*/                    callImmediately = true;                //}            }        } else if (Intent.ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY.equals(action)) {......



private String lastUIScreenShow;  private String currentUIScreen;  private void showMainInCallFragment() {    // If the activity's onStart method hasn't been called yet then defer doing any work.    if (!isVisible) {      LogUtil.i("InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment", "not visible yet/anymore");      return;    }    // Don't let this be reentrant.    if (isInShowMainInCallFragment) {      LogUtil.i("InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment", "already in method, bailing");      return;    }    isInShowMainInCallFragment = true;    ShouldShowUiResult shouldShowAnswerUi = getShouldShowAnswerUi();    ShouldShowUiResult shouldShowVideoUi = getShouldShowVideoUi();    LogUtil.d(        "InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment",        "shouldShowAnswerUi: %b, shouldShowVideoUi: %b, "            + "didShowAnswerScreen: %b, didShowInCallScreen: %b, didShowVideoCallScreen: %b",        shouldShowAnswerUi.shouldShow,        shouldShowVideoUi.shouldShow,        didShowAnswerScreen,        didShowInCallScreen,        didShowVideoCallScreen);     android.util.Log.i(        "InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment",        String.format("shouldShowAnswerUi: %b, shouldShowVideoUi: %b, "            + "didShowAnswerScreen: %b, didShowInCallScreen: %b, didShowVideoCallScreen: %b",        shouldShowAnswerUi.shouldShow,        shouldShowVideoUi.shouldShow,        didShowAnswerScreen,        didShowInCallScreen,        didShowVideoCallScreen));    /// M:[ALPS03482828] modify allow orientation conditions.incallactivity and videocallpresenter    ///have conflicts on allow orientation.keep incallactivity and videocallpresenter have same    ///conditions. @{    /// Google original code:@{    // Only video call ui allows orientation change.    //setAllowOrientationChange(shouldShowVideoUi.shouldShow);    ///@}    setAllowOrientationChange(isAllowOrientation(shouldShowAnswerUi,shouldShowVideoUi));    ///@}    /// M:ALPS03538860 clear rotation when disable incallOrientationEventListner.@{    common.checkResetOrientation();    ///@}    FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();    boolean didChangeInCall;    boolean didChangeVideo;    boolean didChangeAnswer;    if (shouldShowAnswerUi.shouldShow) {       currentUIScreen = "answercall";      LogUtil.d("showMainInCallFragment", "showAnswerScreenFragment");      didChangeInCall = hideInCallScreenFragment(transaction);      didChangeVideo = hideVideoCallScreenFragment(transaction);      didChangeAnswer = showAnswerScreenFragment(transaction, shouldShowAnswerUi.call);    } else if (shouldShowVideoUi.shouldShow) {       currentUIScreen = "videocall";      LogUtil.d("showMainInCallFragment", "showVideoCallScreenFragment");      didChangeInCall = hideInCallScreenFragment(transaction);      didChangeVideo = showVideoCallScreenFragment(transaction, shouldShowVideoUi.call);      didChangeAnswer = hideAnswerScreenFragment(transaction);    /// M: Hide incall screen when exist waiting account call. @{    } else if (CallList.getInstance().getWaitingForAccountCall() != null) {       currentUIScreen = "nocall";      LogUtil.d("showMainInCallFragment", "hide all");      didChangeInCall = hideInCallScreenFragment(transaction);      didChangeVideo = hideVideoCallScreenFragment(transaction);      didChangeAnswer = hideAnswerScreenFragment(transaction);    /// @}    } else {      currentUIScreen = "incall";       LogUtil.d("showMainInCallFragment", "showInCallScreenFragment");      didChangeInCall = showInCallScreenFragment(transaction);      didChangeVideo = hideVideoCallScreenFragment(transaction);      didChangeAnswer = hideAnswerScreenFragment(transaction);    }    //voltecall no support auto change voicecall    if ("videocall".equals(lastUIScreenShow) && "incall".equals(currentUIScreen)) {       LogUtil.i("showMainInCallFragment", "voltecall---->voicecall");       sendBroadcast(new Intent("com.android.incall.volte2voice").addFlags(0x01000000));    }    if (didChangeInCall || didChangeVideo || didChangeAnswer) {      transaction.commitNow();      Logger.get(this).logScreenView(ScreenEvent.Type.INCALL, this);    }    isInShowMainInCallFragment = false;    lastUIScreenShow = currentUIScreen;  }



@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ public class VideoUtils {     ///choose. so incallui will set camera is null to vtservice.VTservice will get stuck. @{     return isTestSim() ? hasCameraPermission(context) :     ///@}-           (PermissionsUtil.hasCameraPrivacyToastShown(context) && hasCameraPermission(context));+           (/*PermissionsUtil.hasCameraPrivacyToastShown(context) &&*/ hasCameraPermission(context));+// annotaion for first don't show Video is off,don't toast tell have open camera permission   }    public static boolean hasCameraPermission(@NonNull Context context) {

10、Dialer 通话界面背景色随机切换问题,修改默认为蓝色


@@ -97,14 +97,17 @@ public class ThemeColorManager {       backgroundColorMiddle = context.getColor(R.color.incall_background_gradient_middle);       backgroundColorBottom = context.getColor(R.color.incall_background_gradient_bottom);       backgroundColorSolid = context.getColor(R.color.incall_background_multiwindow);-      if (highlightColor != PhoneAccount.NO_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR) {+      android.util.Log.e("ccd","updateThemeColors() ="+ (highlightColor != PhoneAccount.NO_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR));+      //annotation for incallbg show blue not green+      //IncallActivity updateWindowBackgroundColor()+      /*if (highlightColor != PhoneAccount.NO_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR) {         // The default background gradient has a subtle alpha. We grab that alpha and apply it to         // the phone account color.         backgroundColorTop = applyAlpha(palette.mPrimaryColor, backgroundColorTop);         backgroundColorMiddle = applyAlpha(palette.mPrimaryColor, backgroundColorMiddle);         backgroundColorBottom = applyAlpha(palette.mPrimaryColor, backgroundColorBottom);         backgroundColorSolid = applyAlpha(palette.mPrimaryColor, backgroundColorSolid);-      }+      }*/     }      primaryColor = palette.mPrimaryColor;

11、Volte 通话界面预览图像拉伸bug修改

设置预览宽高的方法在 VideoCallFragment 中


private void updatePreviewVideoScaling() {    if (previewTextureView.getWidth() == 0 || previewTextureView.getHeight() == 0) {      LogUtil.i("VideoCallFragment.updatePreviewVideoScaling", "view layout hasn't finished yet");      return;    }    VideoSurfaceTexture localVideoSurfaceTexture =        videoCallScreenDelegate.getLocalVideoSurfaceTexture();    Point cameraDimensions = localVideoSurfaceTexture.getSurfaceDimensions();....}private void updateRemoteVideoScaling() {    VideoSurfaceTexture remoteVideoSurfaceTexture =        videoCallScreenDelegate.getRemoteVideoSurfaceTexture();    Point videoSize = remoteVideoSurfaceTexture.getSourceVideoDimensions();    if (videoSize == null) {      LogUtil.i("VideoCallFragment.updateRemoteVideoScaling", "video size is null");      return;    }    if (remoteTextureView.getWidth() == 0 || remoteTextureView.getHeight() == 0) {      LogUtil.i("VideoCallFragment.updateRemoteVideoScaling", "view layout hasn't finished yet");      return;    }    // If the video and display aspect ratio's are close then scale video to fill display    float videoAspectRatio = ((float) videoSize.x) / videoSize.y;    float displayAspectRatio =        ((float) remoteTextureView.getWidth()) / remoteTextureView.getHeight();    float delta = Math.abs(videoAspectRatio - displayAspectRatio);

最终实际是在 VideoScale 中,通过对调宽高来修改比例


public class VideoScale {  /**   * Scales the video in the given view such that the video takes up the entire view. To maintain   * aspect ratio the video will be scaled to be larger than the view.   */  public static void scaleVideoAndFillView(      TextureView textureView, float videoWidth, float videoHeight, float rotationDegrees) {    // add for localPreView smaller bug    if (videoWidth > videoHeight) {      float tmpVideoWidth = videoWidth;      videoWidth = videoHeight;      videoHeight = tmpVideoWidth;      LogUtil.i("VideoScale.scaleVideoAndFillView","need change width and height");    }//E    float viewWidth = textureView.getWidth();    float viewHeight = textureView.getHeight();    float viewAspectRatio = viewWidth / viewHeight;    float videoAspectRatio = videoWidth / videoHeight;    float scaleWidth = 1.0f;    float scaleHeight = 1.0f;    if (viewAspectRatio > videoAspectRatio) {      // Scale to exactly fit the width of the video. The top and bottom will be cropped.      float scaleFactor = viewWidth / videoWidth;      float desiredScaledHeight = videoHeight * scaleFactor;      scaleHeight = desiredScaledHeight / viewHeight;    } else {      // Scale to exactly fit the height of the video. The sides will be cropped.      float scaleFactor = viewHeight / videoHeight;      float desiredScaledWidth = videoWidth * scaleFactor;      scaleWidth = desiredScaledWidth / viewWidth;    }    if (rotationDegrees == 90.0f || rotationDegrees == 270.0f) {      // We're in landscape mode but the camera feed is still drawing in portrait mode. Normally,      // scale of 1.0 means that the video feed stretches to fit the view. In this case the X axis      // is scaled to fit the height and the Y axis is scaled to fit the width.      float scaleX = scaleWidth;      float scaleY = scaleHeight;      scaleWidth = viewHeight / viewWidth * scaleY;      scaleHeight = viewWidth / viewHeight * scaleX;      // This flips the view vertically. Without this the camera feed would be upside down.      scaleWidth = scaleWidth * -1.0f;      // This flips the view horizontally. Without this the camera feed would be mirrored (left      // side would appear on right).      scaleHeight = scaleHeight * -1.0f;    }    LogUtil.i(        "VideoScale.scaleVideoAndFillView",        "view: %f x %f, video: %f x %f scale: %f x %f, rotation: %f",        viewWidth,        viewHeight,        videoWidth,        videoHeight,        scaleWidth,        scaleHeight,        rotationDegrees);    Matrix transform = new Matrix();    transform.setScale(        scaleWidth,        scaleHeight,        // This performs the scaling from the horizontal middle of the view.        viewWidth / 2.0f,        // This perform the scaling from vertical middle of the view.        viewHeight / 2.0f);    if (rotationDegrees != 0) {      transform.postRotate(rotationDegrees, viewWidth / 2.0f, viewHeight / 2.0f);    }    textureView.setTransform(transform);  }


  1. android摄像头采集和预览-第二种方法
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