

Google的玩意,Google拿它来玩什么?Is An Open Handset Alliance Project—-手机操作系统.


Android Architecture:

  • 一、Android是开源的.Android allows you to access core mobile device functionality through standard API calls.
  • 二、Android不单纯只是操作系统. Linux Kernel:Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack. Android Runtime:The Dalvik VM,有了Java虚拟机,大部分Java核心类库都已经可以直接运行. Libraries:Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries used by various components of the Android system. These capabilities are exposed to developers through the Android application framework. Some of the core libraries are listed below:System C library ,Media Libraries ,Surface Manager ,LibWebCore ,SGL , ,3D libraries ,FreeType ,SQLite. Fast & easy development:The SDK contains what you need to build and run Android applications, including a true device emulator and advanced debugging tools.Google提供了基于Eclipse的完整开发环境,模拟器,文档,帮助,示例.
  • 三、围绕Android形成了一个移动手机联盟 .


  1. Android是用Java来开发应用的.
  2. Java ME前景如何?
  3. 应该现在开始学习Android吗?



  1. android 开发问题集,android问题总结,android错误解决收集
  2. Android(安卓)Studio 开发依赖库集锦
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  4. Professional Android(安卓)2 Development - 2
  5. Android开发环境搭建
  6. 安卓巴士Android开发神贴整理
  7. Android学习笔记系列
  8. linux安装安卓开发工具android studio
  9. Android开发之GridView属性介绍


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