
view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"></uses-permission>



view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(
  2. android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED);
Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals( android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED);


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. File skRoot = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File skRoot = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();



view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. File fileRoot = Context.getFilesDir()+"//";
File fileRoot = Context.getFilesDir()+"//";





view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. String path = File.getPath();//相对
  2. String path = File.getAbsoultePath();//绝对
String path = File.getPath();//相对 String path = File.getAbsoultePath();//绝对

b 、获得文件或文件夹的父目录

view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. String parentPath = File.getParent();
String parentPath = File.getParent();


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. String Name = File.getName();
String Name = File.getName();


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. File.mkDir(); //建立文件夹
  2. File.createNewFile();//建立文件
File.mkDir(); //建立文件夹 File.createNewFile();//建立文件


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. File.isDirectory()


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. File[] files = File.listFiles();
File[] files = File.listFiles();


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. File.renameTo(dest);


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. File.delete();

view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. package otheri.common;
  2. import;
  3. import;
  4. import;
  5. import;
  6. import;
  7. import;
  8. import;
  9. import;
  10. import android.content.Context;
  11. import android.os.Environment;
  12. public class FileHelper {
  13. private Context context;
  14. private String SDPATH;
  15. private String FILESPATH;
  16. public FileHelper(Context context) {
  17. this.context = context;
  18. SDPATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "//";
  19. FILESPATH = this.context.getFilesDir().getPath() + "//";
  20. }
  21. /**
  22. * 在SD卡上创建文件
  23. *
  24. * @throws IOException
  25. */
  26. public File creatSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  27. File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName);
  28. file.createNewFile();
  29. return file;
  30. }
  31. /**
  32. * 删除SD卡上的文件
  33. *
  34. * @param fileName
  35. */
  36. public boolean delSDFile(String fileName) {
  37. File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName);
  38. if (file == null || !file.exists() || file.isDirectory())
  39. return false;
  40. file.delete();
  41. return true;
  42. }
  43. /**
  44. * 在SD卡上创建目录
  45. *
  46. * @param dirName
  47. */
  48. public File creatSDDir(String dirName) {
  49. File dir = new File(SDPATH + dirName);
  50. dir.mkdir();
  51. return dir;
  52. }
  53. /**
  54. * 删除SD卡上的目录
  55. *
  56. * @param dirName
  57. */
  58. public boolean delSDDir(String dirName) {
  59. File dir = new File(SDPATH + dirName);
  60. return delDir(dir);
  61. }
  62. /**
  63. * 修改SD卡上的文件或目录名
  64. *
  65. * @param fileName
  66. */
  67. public boolean renameSDFile(String oldfileName, String newFileName) {
  68. File oleFile = new File(SDPATH + oldfileName);
  69. File newFile = new File(SDPATH + newFileName);
  70. return oleFile.renameTo(newFile);
  71. }
  72. /**
  73. * 拷贝SD卡上的单个文件
  74. *
  75. * @param path
  76. * @throws IOException
  77. */
  78. public boolean copySDFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName)
  79. throws IOException {
  80. File srcFile = new File(SDPATH + srcFileName);
  81. File destFile = new File(SDPATH + destFileName);
  82. return copyFileTo(srcFile, destFile);
  83. }
  84. /**
  85. * 拷贝SD卡上指定目录的所有文件
  86. *
  87. * @param srcDirName
  88. * @param destDirName
  89. * @return
  90. * @throws IOException
  91. */
  92. public boolean copySDFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName)
  93. throws IOException {
  94. File srcDir = new File(SDPATH + srcDirName);
  95. File destDir = new File(SDPATH + destDirName);
  96. return copyFilesTo(srcDir, destDir);
  97. }
  98. /**
  99. * 移动SD卡上的单个文件
  100. *
  101. * @param srcFileName
  102. * @param destFileName
  103. * @return
  104. * @throws IOException
  105. */
  106. public boolean moveSDFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName)
  107. throws IOException {
  108. File srcFile = new File(SDPATH + srcFileName);
  109. File destFile = new File(SDPATH + destFileName);
  110. return moveFileTo(srcFile, destFile);
  111. }
  112. /**
  113. * 移动SD卡上的指定目录的所有文件
  114. *
  115. * @param srcDirName
  116. * @param destDirName
  117. * @return
  118. * @throws IOException
  119. */
  120. public boolean moveSDFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName)
  121. throws IOException {
  122. File srcDir = new File(SDPATH + srcDirName);
  123. File destDir = new File(SDPATH + destDirName);
  124. return moveFilesTo(srcDir, destDir);
  125. }
  126. /*
  127. * 将文件写入sd卡。如:writeSDFile("test.txt");
  128. */
  129. public Output writeSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  130. File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName);
  131. FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
  132. return new Output(fos);
  133. }
  134. /*
  135. * 在原有文件上继续写文件。如:appendSDFile("test.txt");
  136. */
  137. public Output appendSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  138. File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName);
  139. FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
  140. return new Output(fos);
  141. }
  142. /*
  143. * 从SD卡读取文件。如:readSDFile("test.txt");
  144. */
  145. public Input readSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  146. File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName);
  147. FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
  148. return new Input(fis);
  149. }
  150. /**
  151. * 建立私有文件
  152. *
  153. * @param fileName
  154. * @return
  155. * @throws IOException
  156. */
  157. public File creatDataFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  158. File file = new File(FILESPATH + fileName);
  159. file.createNewFile();
  160. return file;
  161. }
  162. /**
  163. * 建立私有目录
  164. *
  165. * @param dirName
  166. * @return
  167. */
  168. public File creatDataDir(String dirName) {
  169. File dir = new File(FILESPATH + dirName);
  170. dir.mkdir();
  171. return dir;
  172. }
  173. /**
  174. * 删除私有文件
  175. *
  176. * @param fileName
  177. * @return
  178. */
  179. public boolean delDataFile(String fileName) {
  180. File file = new File(FILESPATH + fileName);
  181. return delFile(file);
  182. }
  183. /**
  184. * 删除私有目录
  185. *
  186. * @param dirName
  187. * @return
  188. */
  189. public boolean delDataDir(String dirName) {
  190. File file = new File(FILESPATH + dirName);
  191. return delDir(file);
  192. }
  193. /**
  194. * 更改私有文件名
  195. *
  196. * @param oldName
  197. * @param newName
  198. * @return
  199. */
  200. public boolean renameDataFile(String oldName, String newName) {
  201. File oldFile = new File(FILESPATH + oldName);
  202. File newFile = new File(FILESPATH + newName);
  203. return oldFile.renameTo(newFile);
  204. }
  205. /**
  206. * 在私有目录下进行文件复制
  207. *
  208. * @param srcFileName
  209. * : 包含路径及文件名
  210. * @param destFileName
  211. * @return
  212. * @throws IOException
  213. */
  214. public boolean copyDataFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName)
  215. throws IOException {
  216. File srcFile = new File(FILESPATH + srcFileName);
  217. File destFile = new File(FILESPATH + destFileName);
  218. return copyFileTo(srcFile, destFile);
  219. }
  220. /**
  221. * 复制私有目录里指定目录的所有文件
  222. *
  223. * @param srcDirName
  224. * @param destDirName
  225. * @return
  226. * @throws IOException
  227. */
  228. public boolean copyDataFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName)
  229. throws IOException {
  230. File srcDir = new File(FILESPATH + srcDirName);
  231. File destDir = new File(FILESPATH + destDirName);
  232. return copyFilesTo(srcDir, destDir);
  233. }
  234. /**
  235. * 移动私有目录下的单个文件
  236. *
  237. * @param srcFileName
  238. * @param destFileName
  239. * @return
  240. * @throws IOException
  241. */
  242. public boolean moveDataFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName)
  243. throws IOException {
  244. File srcFile = new File(FILESPATH + srcFileName);
  245. File destFile = new File(FILESPATH + destFileName);
  246. return moveFileTo(srcFile, destFile);
  247. }
  248. /**
  249. * 移动私有目录下的指定目录下的所有文件
  250. *
  251. * @param srcDirName
  252. * @param destDirName
  253. * @return
  254. * @throws IOException
  255. */
  256. public boolean moveDataFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName)
  257. throws IOException {
  258. File srcDir = new File(FILESPATH + srcDirName);
  259. File destDir = new File(FILESPATH + destDirName);
  260. return moveFilesTo(srcDir, destDir);
  261. }
  262. /*
  263. * 将文件写入应用私有的files目录。如:writeFile("test.txt");
  264. */
  265. public Output wirteFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  266. OutputStream os = context.openFileOutput(fileName,
  268. return new Output(os);
  269. }
  270. /*
  271. * 在原有文件上继续写文件。如:appendFile("test.txt");
  272. */
  273. public Output appendFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  274. OutputStream os = context.openFileOutput(fileName, Context.MODE_APPEND);
  275. return new Output(os);
  276. }
  277. /*
  278. * 从应用的私有目录files读取文件。如:readFile("test.txt");
  279. */
  280. public Input readFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
  281. InputStream is = context.openFileInput(fileName);
  282. return new Input(is);
  283. }
  284. /**********************************************************************************************************/
  285. /*********************************************************************************************************/
  286. */
  287. /**
  288. * 删除一个文件
  289. *
  290. * @param file
  291. * @return
  292. */
  293. public boolean delFile(File file) {
  294. if (file.isDirectory())
  295. return false;
  296. return file.delete();
  297. }
  298. /**
  299. * 删除一个目录(可以是非空目录)
  300. *
  301. * @param dir
  302. */
  303. public boolean delDir(File dir) {
  304. if (dir == null || !dir.exists() || dir.isFile()) {
  305. return false;
  306. }
  307. for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
  308. if (file.isFile()) {
  309. file.delete();
  310. } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
  311. delDir(file);// 递归
  312. }
  313. }
  314. dir.delete();
  315. return true;
  316. }
  317. /**
  318. * 拷贝一个文件,srcFile源文件,destFile目标文件
  319. *
  320. * @param path
  321. * @throws IOException
  322. */
  323. public boolean copyFileTo(File srcFile, File destFile) throws IOException {
  324. if (srcFile.isDirectory() || destFile.isDirectory())
  325. return false;// 判断是否是文件
  326. FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(srcFile);
  327. FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
  328. int readLen = 0;
  329. byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
  330. while ((readLen = != -1) {
  331. fos.write(buf, 0, readLen);
  332. }
  333. fos.flush();
  334. fos.close();
  335. fis.close();
  336. return true;
  337. }
  338. /**
  339. * 拷贝目录下的所有文件到指定目录
  340. *
  341. * @param srcDir
  342. * @param destDir
  343. * @return
  344. * @throws IOException
  345. */
  346. public boolean copyFilesTo(File srcDir, File destDir) throws IOException {
  347. if (!srcDir.isDirectory() || !destDir.isDirectory())
  348. return false;// 判断是否是目录
  349. if (!destDir.exists())
  350. return false;// 判断目标目录是否存在
  351. File[] srcFiles = srcDir.listFiles();
  352. for (int i = 0; i < srcFiles.length; i++) {
  353. if (srcFiles[i].isFile()) {
  354. // 获得目标文件
  355. File destFile = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//"
  356. + srcFiles[i].getName());
  357. copyFileTo(srcFiles[i], destFile);
  358. } else if (srcFiles[i].isDirectory()) {
  359. File theDestDir = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//"
  360. + srcFiles[i].getName());
  361. copyFilesTo(srcFiles[i], theDestDir);
  362. }
  363. }
  364. return true;
  365. }
  366. /**
  367. * 移动一个文件
  368. *
  369. * @param srcFile
  370. * @param destFile
  371. * @return
  372. * @throws IOException
  373. */
  374. public boolean moveFileTo(File srcFile, File destFile) throws IOException {
  375. boolean iscopy = copyFileTo(srcFile, destFile);
  376. if (!iscopy)
  377. return false;
  378. delFile(srcFile);
  379. return true;
  380. }
  381. /**
  382. * 移动目录下的所有文件到指定目录
  383. *
  384. * @param srcDir
  385. * @param destDir
  386. * @return
  387. * @throws IOException
  388. */
  389. public boolean moveFilesTo(File srcDir, File destDir) throws IOException {
  390. if (!srcDir.isDirectory() || !destDir.isDirectory()) {
  391. return false;
  392. }
  393. File[] srcDirFiles = srcDir.listFiles();
  394. for (int i = 0; i < srcDirFiles.length; i++) {
  395. if (srcDirFiles[i].isFile()) {
  396. File oneDestFile = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//"
  397. + srcDirFiles[i].getName());
  398. moveFileTo(srcDirFiles[i], oneDestFile);
  399. delFile(srcDirFiles[i]);
  400. } else if (srcDirFiles[i].isDirectory()) {
  401. File oneDestFile = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//"
  402. + srcDirFiles[i].getName());
  403. moveFilesTo(srcDirFiles[i], oneDestFile);
  404. delDir(srcDirFiles[i]);
  405. }
  406. }
  407. return true;
  408. }
  409. }
package otheri.common; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Environment; public class FileHelper { private Context context; private String SDPATH; private String FILESPATH; public FileHelper(Context context) { this.context = context; SDPATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "//"; FILESPATH = this.context.getFilesDir().getPath() + "//"; } /** * 在SD卡上创建文件 * * @throws IOException */ public File creatSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName); file.createNewFile(); return file; } /** * 删除SD卡上的文件 * * @param fileName */ public boolean delSDFile(String fileName) { File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName); if (file == null || !file.exists() || file.isDirectory()) return false; file.delete(); return true; } /** * 在SD卡上创建目录 * * @param dirName */ public File creatSDDir(String dirName) { File dir = new File(SDPATH + dirName); dir.mkdir(); return dir; } /** * 删除SD卡上的目录 * * @param dirName */ public boolean delSDDir(String dirName) { File dir = new File(SDPATH + dirName); return delDir(dir); } /** * 修改SD卡上的文件或目录名 * * @param fileName */ public boolean renameSDFile(String oldfileName, String newFileName) { File oleFile = new File(SDPATH + oldfileName); File newFile = new File(SDPATH + newFileName); return oleFile.renameTo(newFile); } /** * 拷贝SD卡上的单个文件 * * @param path * @throws IOException */ public boolean copySDFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName) throws IOException { File srcFile = new File(SDPATH + srcFileName); File destFile = new File(SDPATH + destFileName); return copyFileTo(srcFile, destFile); } /** * 拷贝SD卡上指定目录的所有文件 * * @param srcDirName * @param destDirName * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean copySDFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName) throws IOException { File srcDir = new File(SDPATH + srcDirName); File destDir = new File(SDPATH + destDirName); return copyFilesTo(srcDir, destDir); } /** * 移动SD卡上的单个文件 * * @param srcFileName * @param destFileName * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean moveSDFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName) throws IOException { File srcFile = new File(SDPATH + srcFileName); File destFile = new File(SDPATH + destFileName); return moveFileTo(srcFile, destFile); } /** * 移动SD卡上的指定目录的所有文件 * * @param srcDirName * @param destDirName * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean moveSDFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName) throws IOException { File srcDir = new File(SDPATH + srcDirName); File destDir = new File(SDPATH + destDirName); return moveFilesTo(srcDir, destDir); } /* * 将文件写入sd卡。如:writeSDFile("test.txt"); */ public Output writeSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); return new Output(fos); } /* * 在原有文件上继续写文件。如:appendSDFile("test.txt"); */ public Output appendSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true); return new Output(fos); } /* * 从SD卡读取文件。如:readSDFile("test.txt"); */ public Input readSDFile(String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(SDPATH + fileName); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); return new Input(fis); } /** * 建立私有文件 * * @param fileName * @return * @throws IOException */ public File creatDataFile(String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(FILESPATH + fileName); file.createNewFile(); return file; } /** * 建立私有目录 * * @param dirName * @return */ public File creatDataDir(String dirName) { File dir = new File(FILESPATH + dirName); dir.mkdir(); return dir; } /** * 删除私有文件 * * @param fileName * @return */ public boolean delDataFile(String fileName) { File file = new File(FILESPATH + fileName); return delFile(file); } /** * 删除私有目录 * * @param dirName * @return */ public boolean delDataDir(String dirName) { File file = new File(FILESPATH + dirName); return delDir(file); } /** * 更改私有文件名 * * @param oldName * @param newName * @return */ public boolean renameDataFile(String oldName, String newName) { File oldFile = new File(FILESPATH + oldName); File newFile = new File(FILESPATH + newName); return oldFile.renameTo(newFile); } /** * 在私有目录下进行文件复制 * * @param srcFileName * : 包含路径及文件名 * @param destFileName * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean copyDataFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName) throws IOException { File srcFile = new File(FILESPATH + srcFileName); File destFile = new File(FILESPATH + destFileName); return copyFileTo(srcFile, destFile); } /** * 复制私有目录里指定目录的所有文件 * * @param srcDirName * @param destDirName * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean copyDataFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName) throws IOException { File srcDir = new File(FILESPATH + srcDirName); File destDir = new File(FILESPATH + destDirName); return copyFilesTo(srcDir, destDir); } /** * 移动私有目录下的单个文件 * * @param srcFileName * @param destFileName * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean moveDataFileTo(String srcFileName, String destFileName) throws IOException { File srcFile = new File(FILESPATH + srcFileName); File destFile = new File(FILESPATH + destFileName); return moveFileTo(srcFile, destFile); } /** * 移动私有目录下的指定目录下的所有文件 * * @param srcDirName * @param destDirName * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean moveDataFilesTo(String srcDirName, String destDirName) throws IOException { File srcDir = new File(FILESPATH + srcDirName); File destDir = new File(FILESPATH + destDirName); return moveFilesTo(srcDir, destDir); } /* * 将文件写入应用私有的files目录。如:writeFile("test.txt"); */ public Output wirteFile(String fileName) throws IOException { OutputStream os = context.openFileOutput(fileName, Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE); return new Output(os); } /* * 在原有文件上继续写文件。如:appendFile("test.txt"); */ public Output appendFile(String fileName) throws IOException { OutputStream os = context.openFileOutput(fileName, Context.MODE_APPEND); return new Output(os); } /* * 从应用的私有目录files读取文件。如:readFile("test.txt"); */ public Input readFile(String fileName) throws IOException { InputStream is = context.openFileInput(fileName); return new Input(is); } /**********************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************/ */ /** * 删除一个文件 * * @param file * @return */ public boolean delFile(File file) { if (file.isDirectory()) return false; return file.delete(); } /** * 删除一个目录(可以是非空目录) * * @param dir */ public boolean delDir(File dir) { if (dir == null || !dir.exists() || dir.isFile()) { return false; } for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (file.isFile()) { file.delete(); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { delDir(file);// 递归 } } dir.delete(); return true; } /** * 拷贝一个文件,srcFile源文件,destFile目标文件 * * @param path * @throws IOException */ public boolean copyFileTo(File srcFile, File destFile) throws IOException { if (srcFile.isDirectory() || destFile.isDirectory()) return false;// 判断是否是文件 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(srcFile); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile); int readLen = 0; byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while ((readLen = != -1) { fos.write(buf, 0, readLen); } fos.flush(); fos.close(); fis.close(); return true; } /** * 拷贝目录下的所有文件到指定目录 * * @param srcDir * @param destDir * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean copyFilesTo(File srcDir, File destDir) throws IOException { if (!srcDir.isDirectory() || !destDir.isDirectory()) return false;// 判断是否是目录 if (!destDir.exists()) return false;// 判断目标目录是否存在 File[] srcFiles = srcDir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < srcFiles.length; i++) { if (srcFiles[i].isFile()) { // 获得目标文件 File destFile = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//" + srcFiles[i].getName()); copyFileTo(srcFiles[i], destFile); } else if (srcFiles[i].isDirectory()) { File theDestDir = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//" + srcFiles[i].getName()); copyFilesTo(srcFiles[i], theDestDir); } } return true; } /** * 移动一个文件 * * @param srcFile * @param destFile * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean moveFileTo(File srcFile, File destFile) throws IOException { boolean iscopy = copyFileTo(srcFile, destFile); if (!iscopy) return false; delFile(srcFile); return true; } /** * 移动目录下的所有文件到指定目录 * * @param srcDir * @param destDir * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean moveFilesTo(File srcDir, File destDir) throws IOException { if (!srcDir.isDirectory() || !destDir.isDirectory()) { return false; } File[] srcDirFiles = srcDir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < srcDirFiles.length; i++) { if (srcDirFiles[i].isFile()) { File oneDestFile = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//" + srcDirFiles[i].getName()); moveFileTo(srcDirFiles[i], oneDestFile); delFile(srcDirFiles[i]); } else if (srcDirFiles[i].isDirectory()) { File oneDestFile = new File(destDir.getPath() + "//" + srcDirFiles[i].getName()); moveFilesTo(srcDirFiles[i], oneDestFile); delDir(srcDirFiles[i]); } } return true; } }



view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. public static void test1(){
  2. File file1 = new File(".//test1.txt");
  3. File file2 = new File("D://workspace//test//test1.txt");
  4. System.out.println("-----默认相对路径:取得路径不同------");
  5. System.out.println(file1.getPath());
  6. System.out.println(file1.getAbsolutePath());
  7. System.out.println("-----默认绝对路径:取得路径相同------");
  8. System.out.println(file2.getPath());
  9. System.out.println(file2.getAbsolutePath());
  10. }
  11. -----默认相对路径:取得路径不同------
  12. ./test1.txt
  13. D:/workspace/test/./test1.txt
  14. -----默认绝对路径:取得路径相同------
  15. D:/workspace/test/test1.txt
  16. D:/workspace/test/test1.txt
  17. ----------------------------------------------------
  18. public static void test2() throws Exception{
  19. File file = new File("..//src//test1.txt");
  20. System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath());
  21. System.out.println(file.getCanonicalPath());
  22. }
  23. D:/workspace/test/../src/test1.txt
  24. D:/workspace/src/test1.txt
  25. --------------------------------------------
  26. public static void test3() throws Exception{
  27. File file = new File("D://Text.txt");
  28. System.out.println(file.getCanonicalPath());
public static void test1(){ File file1 = new File(".//test1.txt"); File file2 = new File("D://workspace//test//test1.txt"); System.out.println("-----默认相对路径:取得路径不同------"); System.out.println(file1.getPath()); System.out.println(file1.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println("-----默认绝对路径:取得路径相同------"); System.out.println(file2.getPath()); System.out.println(file2.getAbsolutePath()); } -----默认相对路径:取得路径不同------ ./test1.txt D:/workspace/test/./test1.txt -----默认绝对路径:取得路径相同------ D:/workspace/test/test1.txt D:/workspace/test/test1.txt ---------------------------------------------------- public static void test2() throws Exception{ File file = new File("..//src//test1.txt"); System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println(file.getCanonicalPath()); } D:/workspace/test/../src/test1.txt D:/workspace/src/test1.txt -------------------------------------------- public static void test3() throws Exception{ File file = new File("D://Text.txt"); System.out.println(file.getCanonicalPath());



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