4.Android中如何结束进程 Android 结束进程,关闭程序的方法 即采用下面这个类 Void android.app.ActivityManager.restartPackage(String packageName) public void restartPackage (String packageName) Since: API Level 3 Have the system perform a force stop of everything associated with the given application package. All processes that share its uid will be killed, all services it has running stopped, all activities removed, etc. In addition, a ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED broadcast will be sent, so that any of its registered alarms can be stopped, notifications removed, etc. You must hold the permission RESTART_PACKAGES to be able to call this method. Parameters packageName The name of the package to be stopped. 使用这个类的具体源代码 final ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager)getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); am.restartPackage(getPackageName()); 不要忘记了在配置文件中设置权限: < uses-permission android:name ="android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES" ></ uses-permission > 结束进程还有 android.os.Process.killProcess(pid)只能终止本程序的进程,无法终止其它的 public static final void killProcess (int pid) Kill the process with the given PID. Note that, though this API allows us to request to kill any process based on its PID, the kernel will still impose standard restrictions on which PIDs you are actually able to kill. Typically this means only the process running the caller's packages/application and any additional processes created by that app; packages sharing a common UID will also be able to kill each other's processes. public void finish () Call this when your activity is done and should be closed. The ActivityResult is propagated back to whoever launched you via onActivityResult(). 这是结束当前activity的方法 在android2.2版本之后则不能再使用restartPackage()方法,而应该使用killBackgroundProcesses()方法 manager.killBackgroundProcesses(getPackageName()); ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager)getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE); manager.killBackgroundProcesses(getPackageName()); //需要在xml中加入权限声明 < uses-permission android:name ="android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES" /> 另外,在android2.2以后,如果服务在ondestroy里加上了start自己,用kill backgroudprocess通常无法结束自己。 还有一种最新发现的方法,利用反射调用forceStopPackage来结束进程 Method forceStopPackage = am.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("forceStopPackage", String. class); forceStopPackage.setAccessible( true);
forceStopPackage.invoke(am, yourpkgname);
android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system" 另外需要再在配置文件添加权限:
< uses-permission android:name ="android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES" ></ uses-permission > 并且采用系统platform签名 因为需要用FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES权限,该权限只赋予系统签名级程序 即可实现强制停止指定程序 还有一种方法 利用linux的kill -9命令 完毕。^_^
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