接上篇Android内容提供者——Content Providers(一)

Contacts Provider是Android中一个强大并且灵活的组件,负责管理系统通讯录的数据,对外提供访问接口来对系统通讯录进行访问和操作。

以下是Contacts Provider的组织结构图:



Rows representing different people, based on aggregations of raw contact rows.


Rows containing a summary of a person's data, specific to a user account and type.


Rows containing the details for raw contact, such as email addresses or phone numbers.


首先来看看Row Contacts,以下是官方解释:

A raw contact represents a person's data coming from a single account type and account name. Because the Contacts Provider allows more than one online service as the source of data for a person, the Contacts Provider allows multiple raw contacts for the same person. Multiple raw contacts also allow a user to combine a person's data from more than one account from the same account type.

大致意思是Row contact存储了用户数据所在服务器的账号和账号类型,由于Contacts Provider允许多个在线服务作为一个联系人的数据源,同时也允许用户使用同一个服务但是不同的账号来存储联系人信息。可以理解成Row Contacts存储的是用户的账户信息,包括账户类型和账户名称等。下面看看Row Contacts的表结构:

Column name




The account name for the account type that's the source of this raw contact. For example, the account name of a Google account is one of the device owner's Gmail addresses. See the next entry forACCOUNT_TYPEfor more information.

The format of this name is specific to its account type. It is not necessarily an email address.


The account type that's the source of this raw contact. For example, the account type of a Google account iscom.google. Always qualify your account type with a domain identifier for a domain you own or control. This will ensure that your account type is unique.

An account type that offers contacts data usually has an associated sync adapter that synchronizes with the Contacts Provider.


The "deleted" flag for a raw contact.

This flag allows the Contacts Provider to maintain the row internally until sync adapters are able to delete the row from their servers and then finally delete the row from the repository.

另外,官方文档中还给出了一点说明: ACCOUNT_NAME存储用户的账户名,比如sanpleuser@gmail.com,ACCOUNT_TYPE是账户类型,比如如果是Google账户则存储的值就是com.google。

Most of the data for a raw contact isn't stored in theContactsContract.RawContactstable. Instead, it's stored in one or more rows in theContactsContract.Datatable. Each data row has a columnData.RAW_CONTACT_IDthat contains theRawContacts._IDvalue of its parentContactsContract.RawContactsrow.

大部分raw contacts的数据并没有直接存储在RowContacts表中,而是以一行或多行的形式存储在了Data表中,每一行有一列Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID包含了一个指向RawContacts表的列RawContacts._ID,也就是说RawContacts表存储的是引用。为了更好的理解Row Contacts是如何工作的,文档中举了一个例子:

To understand how raw contacts work, consider the user "Emily Dickinson" who has the following three user accounts defined on her device:

  • emily.dickinson@gmail.com
  • emilyd@gmail.com
  • Twitter account "belle_of_amherst"

This user has enabledSync Contactsfor all three of these accounts in theAccountssettings.

Suppose Emily Dickinson opens a browser window, logs into Gmail asemily.dickinson@gmail.com, opens Contacts, and adds "Thomas Higginson". Later on, she logs into Gmail asemilyd@gmail.comand sends an email to "Thomas Higginson", which automatically adds him as a contact. She also follows "colonel_tom" (Thomas Higginson's Twitter ID) on Twitter.

The Contacts Provider creates three raw contacts as a result of this work:

  1. A raw contact for "Thomas Higginson" associated withemily.dickinson@gmail.com. The user account type is Google.
  2. A second raw contact for "Thomas Higginson" associated withemilyd@gmail.com. The user account type is also Google. There is a second raw contact even though the name is identical to a previous name, because the person was added for a different user account.
  3. A third raw contact for "Thomas Higginson" associated with "belle_of_amherst". The user account type is Twitter.



Notice that different types of data are stored in this single table. Display name, phone number, email, postal address, photo, and website detail rows are all found in theContactsContract.Datatable. To help manage this, theContactsContract.Datatable has some columns with descriptive names, and others with generic names. The contents of a descriptive-name column have the same meaning regardless of the type of data in the row, while the contents of a generic-name column have different meanings depending on the type of data.


Some examples of descriptive column names are:




The type of data stored in this row, expressed as a custom MIME type. The Contacts Provider uses the MIME types defined in the subclasses ofContactsContract.CommonDataKinds. These MIME types are open source, and can be used by any application or sync adapter that works with the Contacts Provider.


Generic column names

There are 15 generic columns namedDATA1throughDATA15that are generally available and an additional four generic columnsSYNC1throughSYNC4that should only be used by sync adapters. The generic column name constants always work, regardless of the type of data the row contains.

TheDATA1column is indexed. The Contacts Provider always uses this column for the data that the provider expects will be the most frequent target of a query. For example, in an email row, this column contains the actual email address.

By convention, the columnDATA15is reserved for storing Binary Large Object (BLOB) data such as photo thumbnails.

从DATA1到DATA15有15个字段来存储值,DATA1一般是索引列,Contacts Provider通常用这个索引列来进行目标查询。例如,在邮件行中,这一列存储实际的邮件地址。另外,DATA15是用来存储BLOB(Binary Large Object)类型数据的,比如用户头像。


For example, theContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Emailclass defines type-specific column name constants for aContactsContract.Datarow that has the MIME typeEmail.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE. The class contains the constantADDRESSfor the email address column. The actual value ofADDRESSis "data1", which is the same as the column's generic name.




Mapping class

Type of data



The name data for the raw contact associated with this data row.

A raw contact has only one of these rows.


The main photo for the raw contact associated with this data row.

A raw contact has only one of these rows.


An email address for the raw contact associated with this data row.

A raw contact can have multiple email addresses.


A postal address for the raw contact associated with this data row.

A raw contact can have multiple postal addresses.


An identifier that links the raw contact to one of the groups in the Contacts Provider.

Groups are an optional feature of an account type and account name. They're described in more detail in the sectionContact groups.


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