Do's and Don'ts for Android development, by Futurice developers

  1. Use Gradle and its recommended project structure
  2. Put passwords and sensitive data in
  3. Don't write your own HTTP client, use Volley or OkHttp libraries
  4. Use the Jackson library to parse JSON data
  5. Avoid Guava and use only a few libraries due to the65k method limit
  6. Use Fragments to represent a UI screen
  7. Use Activities just to manage Fragments
  8. Layout XMLs are code, organize them well
  9. Use styles to avoid duplicate attributes in layout XMLs
  10. Use multiple style files to avoid a single huge one
  11. Keep your colors.xml short and DRY, just define the palette
  12. Also keep dimens.xml DRY, define generic constants
  13. Do not make a deep hierarchy of ViewGroups
  14. Avoid client-side processing for WebViews, and beware of leaks
  15. Use Robolectric for unit tests, Robotium for connected (UI) tests
  16. Use Genymotion as your emulator
  17. Always use ProGuard or DexGuard



事实上,能够坚守DRY(Don'tRepeat Yourself)的工程师也越来越少。你是否听过“先做出来,后面再重构。。。”,结果你看到的不是重构,而是继续在RY(Repeat Yourself)。







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  4. 互联网徐金良:Android为什么能够超越iOS?
  5. 互联网徐金良:Android为什么能够超越iOS?
  6. Android中MediaMuxer跟MediaCodec用例
  7. Android(安卓)游戏开发的一些基础和经验
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  9. Android为什么能够超越iOS?


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  7. Android(安卓)之 ServiceManager与服务管
  8. android edittext操作
  9. Android(安卓)上网代理设置(浏览器)
  10. Android模拟翻书效果