Android Google Maps Application

  • Google Maps应用需要注册免费的Google Map API Key
  • 注册Google Map API KeTo 需要提供 the certificate’s fingerprint (MD5).

To get certificate fingerprint (MD5) follow the simple steps below:

  • 用keystore 文件获取 for getting the certificate fingerprint (MD5).
  • 找到keystore 文件
  • "C:/Documents and Settings/<username>/Local Settings/Application Data/Android "


    "C:/Documents and Settings/<username>/.android "

  • Keystore file name is "debug.keystore " file.
  • 找到 keytool 一般在c:/Proram Files/Java/jdk1.6.0.24/bin/ 下

  • 在cmd中输入类似下面的语句即可得到MD5 : keytool.exe -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore “D:/AndroidKeystore/debug.keystore” -storepass android -keypass android

然后访问 :

After clicking the Generate API Key Button , you will get Google Map API Key (red circled).

即可得到Google Map API Key



Android Google Map应用实例 - 创建一个Google Map例程(Android mapview)


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