
void touch ( integer x, integer y, string type)

Sends a touch event specified by type to the screen location specified by x and y.

x The horizontal position of the touch in actual device pixels, starting from the left of the screen in its current orientation.
y The vertical position of the touch in actual device pixels, starting from the top of the screen in its current orientation.
type The type of key event to send. The allowed values are DOWN, UP, and DOWN_AND_UP.

string DOWN

press() or touch() value. Specifies that a DOWN event type should be sent to the device, corresponding to pressing down on a key or touching the screen.

string UP

press() or touch() value. Specifies that an UP event type should be sent to the device, corresponding to releasing a key or lifting up from the screen.

string DOWN_AND_UP

press(), touch() or type() value. Specifies that a DOWN event type followed by an UP event type should be sent to the device, corresponding to typing a key or clicking the screen.


   for i in range(200):


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