







public final static class  Activity extends Component


public final static class ActivityIntentInfo extends IntentInfo


public static class Component


public final static class  Instrumentation extends Component 


public static class IntentInfo extends IntentFilter


public static class  NewPermissionInfo


public final static class Package


 public final static class Package {        public String packageName;        // For now we only support one application per package.        public final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo();        public final ArrayList permissions = new ArrayList(0);        public final ArrayList permissionGroups = new ArrayList(0);        public final ArrayList activities = new ArrayList(0);        public final ArrayList receivers = new ArrayList(0);        public final ArrayList providers = new ArrayList(0);        public final ArrayList services = new ArrayList(0);        public final ArrayList instrumentation = new ArrayList(0);        public final ArrayList requestedPermissions = new ArrayList();        public final ArrayList requestedPermissionsRequired = new ArrayList();        public ArrayList protectedBroadcasts;        public ArrayList libraryNames = null;        public ArrayList usesLibraries = null;        public ArrayList usesOptionalLibraries = null;        public String[] usesLibraryFiles = null;        public ArrayList preferredActivityFilters = null;        public ArrayList mOriginalPackages = null;        public String mRealPackage = null;        public ArrayList mAdoptPermissions = null;                // We store the application meta-data independently to avoid multiple unwanted references        public Bundle mAppMetaData = null;        // If this is a 3rd party app, this is the path of the zip file.        public String mPath;        // The version code declared for this package.        public int mVersionCode;                // The version name declared for this package.        public String mVersionName;                // The shared user id that this package wants to use.        public String mSharedUserId;        // The shared user label that this package wants to use.        public int mSharedUserLabel;        // Signatures that were read from the package.        public Signature mSignatures[];        // For use by package manager service for quick lookup of        // preferred up order.        public int mPreferredOrder = 0;        // For use by the package manager to keep track of the path to the        // file an app came from.        public String mScanPath;                // For use by package manager to keep track of where it has done dexopt.        public boolean mDidDexOpt;                // // User set enabled state.        // public int mSetEnabled = PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT;        //        // // Whether the package has been stopped.        // public boolean mSetStopped = false;        // Additional data supplied by callers.        public Object mExtras;        // Whether an operation is currently pending on this package        public boolean mOperationPending;        /*         *  Applications hardware preferences         */        public final ArrayList configPreferences =                new ArrayList();        /*         *  Applications requested features         */        public ArrayList reqFeatures = null;        public int installLocation;        /* An app that's required for all users and cannot be uninstalled for a user */        public boolean mRequiredForAllUsers;        /* The restricted account authenticator type that is used by this application */        public String mRestrictedAccountType;        /* The required account type without which this application will not function */        public String mRequiredAccountType;        /**         * Digest suitable for comparing whether this package's manifest is the         * same as another.         */        public ManifestDigest manifestDigest;        /**         * Data used to feed the KeySetManager         */        public Set mSigningKeys;        public Map> mKeySetMapping;        public Package(String _name) {            packageName = _name;            applicationInfo.packageName = _name;            applicationInfo.uid = -1;        }        public void setPackageName(String newName) {            packageName = newName;            applicationInfo.packageName = newName;            for (int i=permissions.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                permissions.get(i).setPackageName(newName);            }            for (int i=permissionGroups.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                permissionGroups.get(i).setPackageName(newName);            }            for (int i=activities.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                activities.get(i).setPackageName(newName);            }            for (int i=receivers.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                receivers.get(i).setPackageName(newName);            }            for (int i=providers.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                providers.get(i).setPackageName(newName);            }            for (int i=services.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                services.get(i).setPackageName(newName);            }            for (int i=instrumentation.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                instrumentation.get(i).setPackageName(newName);            }        }        public boolean hasComponentClassName(String name) {            for (int i=activities.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                if (name.equals(activities.get(i).className)) {                    return true;                }            }            for (int i=receivers.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                if (name.equals(receivers.get(i).className)) {                    return true;                }            }            for (int i=providers.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                if (name.equals(providers.get(i).className)) {                    return true;                }            }            for (int i=services.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                if (name.equals(services.get(i).className)) {                    return true;                }            }            for (int i=instrumentation.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                if (name.equals(instrumentation.get(i).className)) {                    return true;                }            }            return false;        }        public String toString() {            return "Package{"                + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))                + " " + packageName + "}";        }    }

public static class PackageLite 


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static class ParseComponentArgs extends ParsePackageItemArgs



public final static class Permission extends Component


public final static class PermissionGroup extends Component 


public final static class  Provider extends Component


public static final class ProviderIntentInfo extends IntentInfo


public final static class  Service extends Component


public final static class  ServiceIntentInfo extends IntentInfo


public static class SplitPermissionInfo


  public static class SplitPermissionInfo {        public final String rootPerm;        public final String[] newPerms;        public final int targetSdk;        public SplitPermissionInfo(String rootPerm, String[] newPerms, int targetSdk) {            this.rootPerm = rootPerm;            this.newPerms = newPerms;            this.targetSdk = targetSdk;        }    }



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