Note that bundles are not fully compatible between platforms. A bundle built for any of the standalone platforms (including webplayer) can be loaded on any of those platforms but not on iOS or Android. Furthermore, a bundle built for iOS is not compatible with Android and vice versa.



  1. Use the option "BuildTarget.Android".
  2. Describe the path with triple slash "file:///"


  1. Delete directories "Per Texture Materials", "assetbundles", and so on. 把已经导出过的包删掉
  2. Use the option "BuildTarget.Android" to all "BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle". 要把BuildTarget为Android平台!!!
  3. Run these on Editor. Character Generator/Generate Materials Character Generator/Create Assetbundles Character Generator/Update Character Element Database
  4. Copy Assetbundles database to Android device which like "/mnt/sdcard/assetbundles/" 把这些包放到Android的指定目录下
  5. Modify AssetbundleBaseURL. (the point was "file:///") 修改获取AssetbundleBaseURL基础路径的地址
public static string AssetbundleBaseURL{    get    {        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXWebPlayer)        {            return Application.dataPath + "/assetbundles/";        }        else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)        {            return "file:///mnt/sdcard/assetbundles/";        }        else        {            return "file://" + Application.dataPath + "/../assetbundles/";        }    }}


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