
1、 一个一个插入

 publicstaticboolean insert(SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper,              RemoteAppInfo appInfo) {          if (null == appInfo) {              returntrue;          }          SQLiteDatabase db = null;          try {              db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase();              ContentValues values = appInfo.getContentValues();              return -1 != db.insert(RemoteDBHelper.TABLE_APP_REMOTE, null,                      values);          } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();          } finally {              if (null != db) {                  db.close();              }          }          returnfalse;      }      for (RemoteAppInfo remoteAppInfo : list) {            RemoteDBUtil.insert(helper, remoteAppInfo);         }


2、 开启事务批量插入,使用SqliteDateBase中的insert(String table, String nullColumnHack, ContentValues values)方法

publicstaticboolean insert(SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper,          List<RemoteAppInfo> list) {      boolean result = true;      if (null == list || list.size() <= 0) {          returntrue;      }      SQLiteDatabase db = null;      try {          db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase();          db.beginTransaction();          for (RemoteAppInfo remoteAppInfo : list) {              ContentValues values = remoteAppInfo.getContentValues();              if (db.insert(RemoteDBHelper.TABLE_APP_REMOTE, null, values) < 0) {                  result = false;                  break;              }          }          if (result) {              db.setTransactionSuccessful();          }      } catch (Exception e) {          e.printStackTrace();          returnfalse;      } finally {          try {              if (null != db) {                  db.endTransaction();                  db.close();              }          } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();          }      }      returntrue;  }  


3、 开启事务批量插入,使用SQLiteStatement

  publicstaticboolean insertBySql(SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper,              List<RemoteAppInfo> list) {          if (null == openHelper || null == list || list.size() <= 0) {              returnfalse;         }          SQLiteDatabase db = null;         try {              db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase();             String sql = "insert into " + RemoteDBHelper.TABLE_APP_REMOTE + "("                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_PKG_NAME + ","// 包名                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_USER_ACCOUNT + ","// 账号                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_APP_SOURCE + ","// 来源                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_SOURCE_UNIQUE + ","// PC mac 地址                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_MOBILE_UNIQUE + ","// 手机唯一标识                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_IMEI + ","// 手机IMEI                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_INSTALL_STATUS + ","// 安装状态                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_TRANSFER_RESULT + ","// 传输状态                      + RemoteDBHelper.COL_REMOTE_RECORD_ID // 唯一标识                      + ") " + "values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";             SQLiteStatement stat = db.compileStatement(sql);             db.beginTransaction();             for (RemoteAppInfo remoteAppInfo : list) {                  stat.bindString(1, remoteAppInfo.getPkgName());                 stat.bindString(2, remoteAppInfo.getAccount());                 stat.bindLong(3, remoteAppInfo.getFrom());                 stat.bindString(4, remoteAppInfo.getFromDeviceMd5());                 stat.bindString(5, remoteAppInfo.getMoblieMd5());                 stat.bindString(6, remoteAppInfo.getImei());                 stat.bindLong(7, remoteAppInfo.getInstallStatus());                 stat.bindLong(8, remoteAppInfo.getTransferResult());                 stat.bindString(9, remoteAppInfo.getRecordId());                 long result = stat.executeInsert();                 if (result < 0) {                      returnfalse;                 }              }              db.setTransactionSuccessful();         } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();             returnfalse;        } finally {              try {                  if (null != db) {                      db.endTransaction();                     db.close();                 }              } catch (Exception e) {                  e.printStackTrace();             }          }          returntrue;     }



  1. android 使用SQLiteOpenHelper类批量执行sql问题
  2. Android(安卓)耳机插入过程分析
  3. Android批量插入数据
  4. Android(安卓)PrecomputedTextCompat
  5. android p 充拔电提示音
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  7. Android(安卓)数据库批量查询数据的操作
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