android Toast工具BToast


implementation 'com.bravin.btoast:BToast:1.0.3'


@Override public void onCreate() {     super.onCreate();      BToast.Config.getInstance()//                .setAnimate() // Whether to startAnimation. default is fasle;//                .setAnimationDuration()// Animation duration. default is 800 millisecond//                .setAnimationGravity()// Animation entering position. default is BToast.ANIMATION_GRAVITY_TOP//                .setDuration()// toast duration  is Either BToast.DURATION_SHORT or BToast.DURATION_LONG//                .setTextColor()// textcolor. default is white//                .setErrorColor()// error style background Color default is red//                .setInfoColor()// info style background Color default is blue//                .setSuccessColor()// success style background Color default is green//                .setWarningColor()// waring style background Color default is orange//                .setLayoutGravity()// whan show an toast with target, coder can assgin position relative to target. default is BToast.LAYOUT_GRAVITY_BOTTOM//                .setLongDurationMillis()// long duration. default is 4500 millisecond//                .setRadius()// radius. default is half of view's height. coder can assgin a positive value//                .setRelativeGravity()// whan show an toast with target, coder can assgin position relative to toastself(like relativeLayout start end center), default is BToast.RELATIVE_GRAVITY_CENTER //                .setSameLength()// sameLength.  whan layoutGravity is BToast.LAYOUT_GRAVITY_TOP or BToast.LAYOUT_GRAVITY_BOTTOM,sameLength mean toast's width is as same as target,otherwise is same height //                .setShortDurationMillis()// short duration. default is 3000 millisecond//                .setShowIcon()// show or hide icon//                .setTextSize()// text size. sp unit             .apply(this);// must call }


BToast.success(v.getContext())         .text("this is text")         .show();


BToast.success(v.getContext())          .text(R.string.text_test_content)          .radius(0)          .show();


BToast.success(v.getContext())          .text(R.string.text_test_content)          .animate(true)          .show();


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