
dependencies {

compile 'com.github.zhengken:LyricViewDemo:v1.0'


XML code

//step 1



android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Java code

//step 2

LyricView mLyricView = (LyricView)findViewById(R.id.custom_lyric_view);

//step 3


//step 4, update LyricView every interval


//step 5, implement the interface when user drag lyrics and click the play icon

mLyricView.setOnPlayerClickListener(new LyricView.OnPlayerClickListener() {


public void onPlayerClicked(long progress, String content) {



XML attributes


fadeInFadeOutbooleanfalseEnable lyrics fadeInFadeOut or not

hintstringNo LyricsDisplay when not exist lyric file

hintColorcolor#FFFFFFThe color of hint text

textSizedimension16spThe text size of lyrics

textColorcolor#8D8D8DThe color of lyrics

highlightColorcolor#FFFFFFThe color of current lyric that playing

textAlignenumCENTERThe alignment of lyrics

maxLengthdimension300dpLine feed when lyric'width beyond maxLength

lineSpacedimension25dpLine space

Java API


setOnPlayerClickListener(OnPlayerClickListener listener)Callback when click the play icon

setAlignment(@Alignment int alignment)Set the alignment of the lyrics

setCurrentTimeMillis(long current)Scroll lyrics to the specify TimeMillis

setLyricFile(File file)Set the lyric file, and auto set the charset by juniversalchardet-1.0.3

setLyricFile(File file, String charset)Set the lyric file with the specified charset

setTypeface(Typeface typeface)Set the typeface of lyrics

reset()Reset the LyricView



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  2. Android获取物理地址(支持5.0~10.0)
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  8. Android项目集成Flutter
  9. Android获取声音长度


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