
How to lock the orientation

In the onCreateDialog(int) event of the activity use the setRequestedOrientation(int) method to set the screen orientation to your chosen setting. The activity will stay in this orientation regardless of if the device is tilted or not.

[Code sample – How to lock the orientation]
public void onCreate ( BundlesavedInstanceState )
super .onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ;
this .setRequestedOrientation (

How to detect the current orientation

To programmatically detect the current orientation of the activity use the following code snippet. The orientation property of the Configuration class returns three possible values corresponding to Landscape, Portrait and Square.

[Code sample – How to detect the current orientation]
switch ( this .getResources () .getConfiguration () .orientation )
case Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT:
break ;
break ;
case Configuration.ORIENTATION_SQUARE:
break ;
default :
thrownew Exception ( "Unexpectedorientationenumerationreturned" ) ;
break ;

Example : Locking rotation while performing an action.

You might wish to disable the screen rotation whilst performing an action or by user command, to do this you need to combine the above samples to detect the current orientation and lock the display to that orientation.

[Code sample – Locking rotation while performing an action]
private void mLockScreenRotation ()
switch ( this .getResources () .getConfiguration () .orientation )
case Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT:
this .setRequestedOrientation (
break ;
this .setRequestedOrientation (
break ;

Once your action has completed you may wish to enable screen rotation again, see the next section for an example on how to do this.

How to re-enable screen rotation

To enable the orientation to be automatically changed on device tilt simply pass thesetRequestedOrientation(int) method the enumeration value for an unspecified orientation.

[Code sample – How to re-enable screen rotation]
this .setRequestedOrientation (

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