I am using Flask with Flask-RESTful. I have POST method which gets data and I need to apply validation checks on it. My question is can i use Flask-WTF with that like Django-Forms for handling validations and checks?


What technique do you prefer for the scenario for Signup where i need to check if an Email already exists in the system?


1 个解决方案



The reqparse module of Flask-RESTful provides what you are looking for. By defining your own type of input fields, you can perform some validation operations. Here is an example from scratch:


from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.restful import Api, Resource, reqparse

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

def is_email_valid(address):
    # Check if the e-mail address already exists in database.
    return True  # or False

def email(value):
    if not is_email_valid(value):
        raise ValueError("The e-mail address {} is already taken.".format(value))

    return value

class Users(Resource):
    parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
    parser.add_argument('email', type=email, help='Signup email')

    def post(self):
        args = self.parser.parse_args()
        # Create the new user with args.items()
        return "user representation", 201

api.add_resource(Users, '/users')

if __name__ == '__main__':

If an argument fails to pass validation, the parser automatically responds with a 400 Bad Request.

如果参数未能通过验证,则解析器将自动响应400 Bad Request。

You can find more information in the documentation of Flask-RESTful.


Similarly, you can do this with WTForms :


from flask import Flask, request
from flask.ext.restful import Api, Resource, abort
from wtforms import Form, fields, validators

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

# WTForms
def is_email_valid(address):
    # Check if the e-mail address already exists in database.
    return True  # or False

def user_email(form, field):
    if not is_email_valid(field.data):
        raise validators.ValidationError("The e-mail address {} is already taken.".format(field.data))

class UserForm(Form):
    email = fields.StringField('Email', [validators.Email(), user_email])

# Flask-RESTful
class Users(Resource):
    def post(self):
        form = UserForm(data=request.get_json())
        if form.validate():
            # Create the new user with form.populate_obj()
        return "user representation", 201

api.add_resource(Users, '/users')

if __name__ == '__main__':

However, even with the WTForms implementation, you have to define your form's fields unless you use a compatible ORM. For example, some extensions of WTForms generate forms from models similarly to how it can be done for Django ORM models.

但是,即使使用WTForms实现,除非使用兼容的ORM,否则必须定义表单的字段。例如,WTForms的一些扩展从模型生成表单,类似于如何为Django ORM模型完成。


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