
  Bundle bundle=new Bundle();        bundle.putString("image-path",imagePath);        bundle.putInt("aspectX",2160);        bundle.putInt("aspectY",1720);        bundle.putInt("outputX",2160);        bundle.putInt("outputY",1720);        bundle.putBoolean("scale",true);        bundle.putBoolean("scaleUpIfNeeded",true);        Intent intent=new Intent(mContext, CropImage.class);        intent.putExtras(bundle);        startActivityForResult(intent,GOTO_CROP_IMAGE_REQEST);


public class CropImage extends MonitoredActivity {    private static final String TAG = "CropImage";    // These are various options can be specified in the intent.    private Bitmap.CompressFormat mOutputFormat =            Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG; // only used with mSaveUri    private Uri mSaveUri = null;    private int mAspectX, mAspectY;    private boolean mCircleCrop = false;    private final Handler mHandler = new Handler();    // These options specifiy the output image size and whether we should    // scale the output to fit it (or just crop it).    private int mOutputX, mOutputY;    private boolean mScale;    private boolean mScaleUp = true;    private boolean mDoFaceDetection = true;    boolean mWaitingToPick; // Whether we are wait the user to pick a face.    boolean mSaving;  // Whether the "save" button is already clicked.    private CropImageView mImageView;    private ContentResolver mContentResolver;    private Bitmap mBitmap;    private final BitmapManager.ThreadSet mDecodingThreads =            new BitmapManager.ThreadSet();    HighlightView mCrop;    private IImage mImage;    private String mImagePath;    @Override    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {        super.onCreate(icicle);        mContentResolver = getContentResolver();        requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);        setContentView(R.layout.cropimage);        mImageView = (CropImageView) findViewById(R.id.image);        showStorageToast(this);        Intent intent = getIntent();        Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();        if (extras != null) {            if (extras.getString("circleCrop") != null) {                mCircleCrop = true;                mAspectX = 1;                mAspectY = 1;            }            mImagePath = extras.getString("image-path");            mSaveUri = getImageUri(mImagePath);            mBitmap = getBitmap(mImagePath);            mAspectX = extras.getInt("aspectX");            mAspectY = extras.getInt("aspectY");            mOutputX = extras.getInt("outputX");            mOutputY = extras.getInt("outputY");            mScale = extras.getBoolean("scale", true);            mScaleUp = extras.getBoolean("scaleUpIfNeeded", true);        }        if (mBitmap == null) {            Log.d(TAG, "finish!!!");            finish();            return;        }        // Make UI fullscreen.        getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);        findViewById(R.id.discard).setOnClickListener(                new View.OnClickListener() {                    public void onClick(View v) {                        setResult(RESULT_CANCELED);                        finish();                    }                });        findViewById(R.id.save).setOnClickListener(                new View.OnClickListener() {                    public void onClick(View v) {                        onSaveClicked();                    }                });        startFaceDetection();    }    private Uri getImageUri(String path) {        return Uri.fromFile(new File(path));    }    private Bitmap getBitmap(String path) {        Uri uri = getImageUri(path);        InputStream in = null;        try {            in = mContentResolver.openInputStream(uri);            return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in);        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "file " + path + " not found");        }        return null;    }    private void startFaceDetection() {        if (isFinishing()) {            return;        }        mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase(mBitmap, true);        Util.startBackgroundJob(this, null,                "Please wait\u2026",                new Runnable() {                    public void run() {                        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);                        final Bitmap b = (mImage != null)                                ? mImage.fullSizeBitmap(IImage.UNCONSTRAINED,                                1024 * 1024)                                : mBitmap;                        mHandler.post(new Runnable() {                            public void run() {                                if (b != mBitmap && b != null) {                                    mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase(b, true);                                    mBitmap.recycle();                                    mBitmap = b;                                }                                if (mImageView.getScale() == 1F) {                                    mImageView.center(true, true);                                }                                latch.countDown();                            }                        });                        try {                            latch.await();                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {                            throw new RuntimeException(e);                        }                        mRunFaceDetection.run();                    }                }, mHandler);    }    private void onSaveClicked() {        // TODO this code needs to change to use the decode/crop/encode single        // step api so that we don't require that the whole (possibly large)        // bitmap doesn't have to be read into memory        if (mSaving) return;        if (mCrop == null) {            return;        }        mSaving = true;        Rect r = mCrop.getCropRect();        int width = r.width();        int height = r.height();        // If we are circle cropping, we want alpha channel, which is the        // third param here.        Bitmap croppedImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,                mCircleCrop                        ? Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888                        : Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);        {            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(croppedImage);            Rect dstRect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);            canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, r, dstRect, null);        }        if (mCircleCrop) {            // OK, so what's all this about?            // Bitmaps are inherently rectangular but we want to return            // something that's basically a circle.  So we fill in the            // area around the circle with alpha.  Note the all important            // PortDuff.Mode.CLEAR.            Canvas c = new Canvas(croppedImage);            Path p = new Path();            p.addCircle(width / 2F, height / 2F, width / 2F,                    Path.Direction.CW);            c.clipPath(p, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE);            c.drawColor(0x00000000, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);        }    /* If the output is required to a specific size then scale or fill */        if (mOutputX != 0 && mOutputY != 0) {            if (mScale) {        /* Scale the image to the required dimensions */                Bitmap old = croppedImage;                croppedImage = Util.transform(new Matrix(),                        croppedImage, mOutputX, mOutputY, mScaleUp);                if (old != croppedImage) {                    old.recycle();                }            } else {        /* Don't scale the image crop it to the size requested.         * Create an new image with the cropped image in the center and         * the extra space filled.         */                // Don't scale the image but instead fill it so it's the                // required dimension                Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(mOutputX, mOutputY,                        Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);                Canvas canvas = new Canvas(b);                Rect srcRect = mCrop.getCropRect();                Rect dstRect = new Rect(0, 0, mOutputX, mOutputY);                int dx = (srcRect.width() - dstRect.width()) / 2;                int dy = (srcRect.height() - dstRect.height()) / 2;        /* If the srcRect is too big, use the center part of it. */                srcRect.inset(Math.max(0, dx), Math.max(0, dy));        /* If the dstRect is too big, use the center part of it. */                dstRect.inset(Math.max(0, -dx), Math.max(0, -dy));        /* Draw the cropped bitmap in the center */                canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, srcRect, dstRect, null);        /* Set the cropped bitmap as the new bitmap */                croppedImage.recycle();                croppedImage = b;            }        }        // Return the cropped image directly or save it to the specified URI.        Bundle myExtras = getIntent().getExtras();        if (myExtras != null && (myExtras.getParcelable("data") != null                || myExtras.getBoolean("return-data"))) {            Bundle extras = new Bundle();            extras.putParcelable("data", croppedImage);            setResult(RESULT_OK);            finish();        } else {            final Bitmap b = croppedImage;            Util.startBackgroundJob(this, null, "Saving image",                    new Runnable() {                        public void run() {                            saveOutput(b);                        }                    }, mHandler);        }    }    private void saveOutput(Bitmap croppedImage) {        if (mSaveUri != null) {            OutputStream outputStream = null;            try {                outputStream = mContentResolver.openOutputStream(mSaveUri);                if (outputStream != null) {                    croppedImage.compress(mOutputFormat, 75, outputStream);                }            } catch (IOException ex) {                // TODO: report error to caller                Log.e(TAG, "Cannot open file: " + mSaveUri, ex);            } finally {                Util.closeSilently(outputStream);            }            Bundle extras = new Bundle();            setResult(RESULT_OK, new Intent(mSaveUri.toString())                    .putExtras(extras));        } else {            Log.e(TAG, "neni definovana adresa pro ulozeni");        /*Bundle extras = new Bundle();        extras.putString("rect", mCrop.getCropRect().toString());        File oldPath = new File(mImage.getDataPath());        File directory = new File(oldPath.getParent());        int x = 0;        String fileName = oldPath.getName();        fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."));        // Try file-1.jpg, file-2.jpg, ... until we find a filename which        // does not exist yet.        while (true) {        x += 1;        String candidate = directory.toString()        + "/" + fileName + "-" + x + ".jpg";        boolean exists = (new File(candidate)).exists();        if (!exists) {            break;        }        }        try {        Uri newUri = ImageManager.addImage(            mContentResolver,            mImage.getTitle(),            mImage.getDateTaken(),            null,    // TODO this null is going to cause us to lose            // the location (gps).            0,       // TODO this is going to cause the orientation            // to reset.            directory.toString(),            fileName + "-" + x + ".jpg");         Cancelable cancelable =                        ImageManager.storeImage(                        newUri,                        mContentResolver,                        0, // TODO fix this orientation                        croppedImage,                        null);                cancelable.get();        setResult(RESULT_OK, new Intent()        .setAction(newUri.toString())        .putExtras(extras));        } catch (Exception ex) {        // basically ignore this or put up        // some ui saying we failed        Log.e(TAG, "store image fail, continue anyway", ex);        }        */        }        croppedImage.recycle();        finish();    }    @Override    protected void onPause() {        super.onPause();        BitmapManager.instance().cancelThreadDecoding(mDecodingThreads);        mBitmap.recycle();    }    @Override    protected void onDestroy() {        super.onDestroy();    }    Runnable mRunFaceDetection = new Runnable() {        @SuppressWarnings("hiding")        float mScale = 1F;        Matrix mImageMatrix;        FaceDetector.Face[] mFaces = new FaceDetector.Face[3];        int mNumFaces;        // For each face, we create a HightlightView for it.        private void handleFace(FaceDetector.Face f) {            PointF midPoint = new PointF();            int r = ((int) (f.eyesDistance() * mScale)) * 2;            f.getMidPoint(midPoint);            midPoint.x *= mScale;            midPoint.y *= mScale;            int midX = (int) midPoint.x;            int midY = (int) midPoint.y;            HighlightView hv = new HighlightView(mImageView);            int width = mBitmap.getWidth();            int height = mBitmap.getHeight();            Rect imageRect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);            RectF faceRect = new RectF(midX, midY, midX, midY);            faceRect.inset(-r, -r);            if (faceRect.left < 0) {                faceRect.inset(-faceRect.left, -faceRect.left);            }            if (faceRect.top < 0) {                faceRect.inset(-faceRect.top, -faceRect.top);            }            if (faceRect.right > imageRect.right) {                faceRect.inset(faceRect.right - imageRect.right,                        faceRect.right - imageRect.right);            }            if (faceRect.bottom > imageRect.bottom) {                faceRect.inset(faceRect.bottom - imageRect.bottom,                        faceRect.bottom - imageRect.bottom);            }            hv.setup(mImageMatrix, imageRect, faceRect, mCircleCrop,                    mAspectX != 0 && mAspectY != 0);            mImageView.add(hv);        }        // Create a default HightlightView if we found no face in the picture.        private void makeDefault() {            HighlightView hv = new HighlightView(mImageView);            int width = mBitmap.getWidth();            int height = mBitmap.getHeight();            Rect imageRect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);            // make the default size about 4/5 of the width or height            int cropWidth = Math.min(width, height) * 4 / 5;            int cropHeight = cropWidth;            if (mAspectX != 0 && mAspectY != 0) {                if (mAspectX > mAspectY) {                    cropHeight = cropWidth * mAspectY / mAspectX;                } else {                    cropWidth = cropHeight * mAspectX / mAspectY;                }            }            int x = (width - cropWidth) / 2;            int y = (height - cropHeight) / 2;            RectF cropRect = new RectF(x, y, x + cropWidth, y + cropHeight);            hv.setup(mImageMatrix, imageRect, cropRect, mCircleCrop,                    mAspectX != 0 && mAspectY != 0);            mImageView.add(hv);        }        // Scale the image down for faster face detection.        private Bitmap prepareBitmap() {            if (mBitmap == null) {                return null;            }            // 256 pixels wide is enough.            if (mBitmap.getWidth() > 256) {                mScale = 256.0F / mBitmap.getWidth();            }            Matrix matrix = new Matrix();            matrix.setScale(mScale, mScale);            Bitmap faceBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmap                    .getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);            return faceBitmap;        }        public void run() {            mImageMatrix = mImageView.getImageMatrix();            Bitmap faceBitmap = prepareBitmap();            mScale = 1.0F / mScale;            if (faceBitmap != null && mDoFaceDetection) {                FaceDetector detector = new FaceDetector(faceBitmap.getWidth(),                        faceBitmap.getHeight(), mFaces.length);                mNumFaces = detector.findFaces(faceBitmap, mFaces);            }            if (faceBitmap != null && faceBitmap != mBitmap) {                faceBitmap.recycle();            }            mHandler.post(new Runnable() {                public void run() {                    mWaitingToPick = mNumFaces > 1;                    if (mNumFaces > 0) {                        for (int i = 0; i < mNumFaces; i++) {                            handleFace(mFaces[i]);                        }                    } else {                        makeDefault();                    }                    mImageView.invalidate();                    if (mImageView.mHighlightViews.size() == 1) {                        mCrop = mImageView.mHighlightViews.get(0);                        mCrop.setFocus(true);                    }                    if (mNumFaces > 1) {                        Toast t = Toast.makeText(CropImage.this,                                "Multi face crop help",                                Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);                        t.show();                    }                }            });        }    };    public static final int NO_STORAGE_ERROR = -1;    public static final int CANNOT_STAT_ERROR = -2;    public static void showStorageToast(Activity activity) {        showStorageToast(activity, calculatePicturesRemaining());    }    public static void showStorageToast(Activity activity, int remaining) {        String noStorageText = null;        if (remaining == NO_STORAGE_ERROR) {            String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();            if (state == Environment.MEDIA_CHECKING) {                noStorageText = "Preparing card";            } else {                noStorageText = "No storage card";            }        } else if (remaining < 1) {            noStorageText = "Not enough space";        }        if (noStorageText != null) {            Toast.makeText(activity, noStorageText, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();        }    }    public static int calculatePicturesRemaining() {        try {        /*if (!ImageManager.hasStorage()) {                return NO_STORAGE_ERROR;            } else {*/            String storageDirectory =                    Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();            StatFs stat = new StatFs(storageDirectory);            float remaining = ((float) stat.getAvailableBlocks()                    * (float) stat.getBlockSize()) / 400000F;            return (int) remaining;            //}        } catch (Exception ex) {            // if we can't stat the filesystem then we don't know how many            // pictures are remaining.  it might be zero but just leave it            // blank since we really don't know.            return CANNOT_STAT_ERROR;        }}}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"        android:layout_width="fill_parent"        android:layout_height="fill_parent">    <RelativeLayout            android:layout_width="fill_parent"            android:layout_height="fill_parent"            android:orientation="horizontal">        <view class="com.maibei.merchants.cropimage.CropImageView" android:id="@+id/image"                android:background="#55000000"                android:layout_width="fill_parent"                android:layout_height="fill_parent"                android:layout_x="0dip"                android:layout_y="0dip"        />        <RelativeLayout android:layout_width="wrap_content"                android:layout_height="wrap_content"                android:orientation="horizontal"                android:paddingLeft="10dip"                android:paddingRight="10dip"                android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"                android:layout_centerHorizontal="true">            <Button                    android:id="@+id/save"                    android:layout_width="100dip"                    android:layout_height="wrap_content"                    android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"                    android:text="确定"            />            <Button                    android:id="@+id/discard"                    android:layout_width="100dip"                    android:layout_height="wrap_content"                    android:layout_alignParentRight="true"                    android:text="取消"            />        RelativeLayout>    RelativeLayout>FrameLayout>

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
try {
switch (requestCode) {
}catch (Exception e){


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